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Question: A good book for a troubled teen!?
I need a book for a teenage girl who thinks her parent's make a big deal over everything! A books that'll show her that her parents are not idiots!.!.!.!.!.is there such a book LOL, A book that'll help wake her up!!?! Since she's grounded forever she'll have plenty of time for reading!.!.!.!.so bring on the suggestions!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lola go to the Bible Book store and explain your situation, then you can look through the books and decide what is best,

I suggest pilgrims progress for teens!.
also like the first answerer the bible KJV version with pictures and red letters!.

also for you, get a book too~along with "Men are from Mars" for relationship understanding too~

~ grounding forever means she will, unless grace comes to her heart, she will rebel in other ways and reject most anything you give to her!. You are laughing, instead of weeping for her, what is she doing, probably laughing toward you to provoke you, and crying in her heart wishing to feel your unconditional love!.

Yes, she needs to wake up, and please dont take me wrong, so do we all!.

God, He is the only one we will have to answer to in the end!.

and I am born Jewish, and I love all people=I seek the best for them with Jesus, yet he understands the reality of life, love

I was a rebel and fought my parents
i as born a Jew with hatred too, prayed and got saved, to love all mankind
to share heaven with them instead of hell weeping forever for rejecting Jesus salvation!. Matthew 24:51!. The prophecies showed me Jesus is the Messiah to come to die for my sins as the lamb of God (not any politician) Isaiah 52:13-through chapter 53:12th verse!. the prayer that saved me; "Help me Jesus, I am sorry for my sins, come into my heart and be my friend, as you promised in Revelation 3:19& 20, amen!." And it happened!.

will solve the issues, only the love of Jesus and truth can with mercy and grace!.

David and may Jesus open up all that is trying to be hid, and be allowed to save the the USA with employment and good social work programs& Muslims to end their gas price war, in amazing grace with the new birth in Jesus and most fun and abundant life John chapters 3 & 10!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have to read a book this summer called The Pact!. It's pretty cool!. Um and any of S!.E!. Hinton books are good for us teens!. Maybe the Giver (that's just a good book!) good luck :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Bible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Flyy Girl" by Omar TyreeWww@QuestionHome@Com