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Position:Home>Books & Authors> From Twilight to Breaking Dawn ... The Meaning behind these titles ?

Question: From Twilight to Breaking Dawn !.!.!. The Meaning behind these titles !?
Twilight is the time when night approaches and moon emerges thus ,vampires too ,is most active during this time , so Edward plays a big part of the story in book 1 !.
New Moon :, book 2, is when the moon disappears , so , Edward disappears for the most of it !.

Eclipse : The reappearance of the moon !Edward dominates the book again ,hehehe!.!.!.

Breaking Dawn : It's morning already !!? Waah !

The sun is emerging and to Bella , Jacob is her "personal sun " , so Jacob "might " play quite a big part here !.Would Jacob get Bella or would Edward !? Anyone have a better analysis of the possible meaning behind the title !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
new moon actually is the darkest time of night so it represents the time bella was saddest!.

breaking dawn could mean many things- she could have a breakthrough, a new discovery, or a new realization on something she was so sure about before!.

breaking dawn = night breaking through to morning = bella has an extroidinary revelation

a new light is shed on something like the light of tthe morning

myer has said jacob will be a big charater in this one
the titles dont always have to be about edward, bella is the main characterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ok if you are right about Jacob i am so not going to be happy!. But i think that something bad is going to happen to either Bella or Edward like half way through the book and its gonna be like all depressing for the other one while they try to figure it out -like something going wrong just before or during Edward changing Bella- and then its all happy in the ending!.
But i really want it to be like Edward has no choice but to change her because Bella is just about dead!. And then he cant hate himself for taking her life away because if he didnt change her then she would have died!. HappyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hm!.!.I had a theory that Jacob or Edward could wind up hurting Bella somehow!. In the preface, she is talking about how she is getting killed by the one she loves!. She loves Edward, and she loves Jacob!. I think that somehow, Jacob killed Edward, or vise virsa, and therefore, it is killing Bella inside!.
Please dont' hate me for having that theory! I hate myself enough, thinking Edward did something to Bella again!.

I really love your title analysises! (sp!?)
I never thought of it that way!
Great job!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you wanna know something really strange!?

so breaking dawn comes out august 2nd, right!? i heard somewhere that in Washington, the after TWILIGHT of august 1st there will be a NEW MOON, as well as a lunar ECLIPSE at the same time, and the BREAKING DAWN of the next day is when stephenie meyer's final book comes out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the title of breaking dawn is talking about how dawn means like, another or a new begining (how dawn is the begining of each day)!. I'm guessing the new begining is Bella's transformation into a vampire!. I've got no clue what the breaking part is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought twilight was called twilight because in the book, edward tells bella twilight is the safest part of the day for them

i dont know :S

i hope jacob doesnt play a big part, i dont really like him!

i love edward and bella <333Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the revelation answer!. I think that maybe she hits a turning point in her life and will have to choose to let go of both of them!. She depends too much on them to fulfill her needs and tends to not trust herself or have that self love!. Just a theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah your theory is a lot like mine
but i really want edward and bella to stay together and i don;t want jake to come between them but obviously somethings going to happen
oh well we wont no until it comes out
eagerly awaiting breaking dawn!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight was not the easiest book to title!. When I started sending out queries, I called it Forks for lack of a better idea!. The first thing my agent advised me was that the title was going to have to change!. We played around with a lot of different titles, and nothing seemed to convey the right feel!. We brainstormed through emails for about a week!. The word twilight was on a list of "words with atmosphere" that I sent her!. Though these words were meant to be used in combination with something else, the word twilight stood out to both of us!. We decided to try it out, and, after a little adjustment time, it started to work for both of us!. It isn't absolutely perfect; to be honest, I don't think there is a perfect title for this book (or if there is, I've never heard it)!. When I look at the titles other countries have used (examples: Germany: Bis zum Morgengrauen which is "Until Dawn" or "Bite" if you add an "s" to make it "biss" (if you look at the German book cover on the Twilight International page); Finland: "Temptation;" France: "Fascination;" and Japan, which has split it into three separate books: "The Boy Whom I Love is a Vampire," "Blood Tastes Sadness," and "The Vampire Family in the Darkness!."), it seems like I might be right about that!. (Both New Moon and Eclipse were much easier to title, and the titles also fit better!.)

New Moon:
What does the title refer to!? Is it a werewolf reference!?
Nope!. The term "new moon" refers to the phase of the moon opposite a full moon!. It is when the sun is on the opposite side of the moon from us and thus the bright side of the moon is not visible from earth!. This is the darkest kind of night!. New Moon is the darkest period of Bella's life!.

it doesn't say anything about the title for EclipseWww@QuestionHome@Com