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Question: Have erotic novels ever made you depressed!?
They make me so sad because my life lacks in romance and the books dont help one bit!. But it is all I get:DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They're just fantasy!. Real life is generally a lot more mundane than it is in fantasy novels, and even if you love someone it isn't all exciting and glamorous etc all the time!. Mostly you are just getting on with ordinary life!. and in real life most men are not as glamorous as they are in fantasy novels!.

I am sure that one day you will meet someone you love,a nd who loves you!. It may not be quite like the romance novels, but you will be happy all the same!. meanwhile, try to enjoy life without romance!. maybe you should try reading something else!? Personally, I like murder mysteries, they often do have a bit of romance in them, but it doesn't take up the whole of the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you are a chick, and semi-decent looking, then just wait until college for romance!.!.!.!. well it wont really be romance!.!.!. it will be more like getting drunk and sleeping with random people every weekend!.!.!. and maybe finding someone you like sleeping with more than the others so you sleep with them more often!. trust me, girls have no problem getting romance!.!.!. or whatever you consider romance!. if you are a guy, then you are wierd for reading those novels, and out of luck because its 100x's harder for a guy to get romance than a girl!. oh, and dont be looking for the kind of romance you read in those twilight books!. that kind of romance does not exist!.!.!. trust me!. dont set ur standards to high!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i used to read them ALLLL the time and my favorites were Cassie Edwards!.
then,I realized that they were all the same!. i still buy one ,maybe two year, but I put them up for " later" Now that I am writing 12-16 hours a day,I crochet/ knit instead of reading!. I like to read when there are no kids in the house, and it seems there are always kids in the house!.
It is too noisy to read!.
I get sad,too, but because I cant have the hero in the end!. Now,I MAKE the hero and I write my own romances!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the pourpose of the books isn't to make you sad!. It's supposed to make you want to conquer your own romance!. Or tips on having a successful romance, or ideas!.

But, yeah, some do make you long for something like that happening to you!. I gues that's why alot of women fantasize!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There have been times that they have made me sad because I know that real people can't have what fictional characters have!.!.!.!.True Love!.
Wish that it were real!. !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are just fantasy; no ones life is really like that for long

yes some have made me depressedWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes they do
and so does romance, etc!.!.!. moviesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha ive never read 1 and i dont plan on it either lol =P!. so noWww@QuestionHome@Com