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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What's up with that "Twilight" book series?

Question: What's up with that "Twilight" book series!?
I keep hearing all these little preteens gushing over it!.
I think it's great kids are reading!.
But is it ACTUALLY a good book!?
What's is about, what's so great about it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
its an ok book its wayyy overrated i think its about a girl named bella swan she moves to forks washington to live with her dad she falls in love with a vampire named edward cullen the plot is really cliche its mostly bella fantasizing about edward or edward saving bella the rest of the series is good too you should read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

It very popular among adolescent girls because its a love story (and everyone wants one) with a unique twist!. Its love among Vampires and Humans!. I think so many girls like it because the second main character, Edward, is very girls dream! He is perfect!. He can trap any female and some males with his unbelievably hot, sexy, tempting eyes!.!.!. overall he is what every girl want!. And he is so amazing because he resists his thirst for blood because he doesn't want to be monstrous creature that he was damned to be!. Reading this book lets girls vent there desperation for the perfect companion and feel the emotions of the characters!. I personally really like the books! I am a total Twilighter all the way!

I would strongly recommend it!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In essence, its a fantastic, adventurous romance that will completely and utterly sweep you off your feet!.

It's about a girl named Bella Swan who goes to live with her father in rainy Forks, Washington, after living in hot and sunny Phoenix, Arizona her entire life!. She's determined to hate Forks, but eventually, she finds a reason to stay - a boy named Edward Cullen has piqued her interest !. !. !.

They eventually become good friends, and later fall in love !. !. !. after Bella has learned his dark secret:

Edward is a vampire!.

I hope you go and get a copy of the book right now - once you start reading, you won't be able to stop =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's a great book, and not only preteens are crazy about it!. My whole circle of friends, the majority of them male, has read and loved the Twilight series, which is a little unbelievable since it has a lot to do with romance!. It's so different from any other romance book for young adults, and it's almost like fantasy-romance, but the fantasy part is REALLY believable!. Who would have guessed that vampires and werewolves could be so realistic!? Twilight keeps you on your toes, which makes you keep reading because you want to know what happens next!. You'll either love it or you'll hate it!. You just have to try it to find out!.
Happy reading!

It's a fantastic book!
It's about a girl named Bella Swan, who moves away from Arizona and her mother so that her Mother Renee can travel with Phil (her new husband) for his baseball career!. Bella moves to a very small, rainy town of Forks Washington, with her Father Charlie (police chief of the town), who split up with her mother when Bella was only 6 months old!.
Bella hates it because she is used to warmth and sun, t-shirts and shorts!.!.!.now it's the complete opposite!.!.!.but she is very popular here unlike she was at her old school!. Soon she captures the atention of a beautiful boy (and vise versa)!. They go through hard ships, because he has to save her constantly; because of the fact that she is an accident magnet!. He also wants to kill her, because he is so drawn to her blood (he is a Vampire) but they fall in love!. Edward would so anything for Bella, and she is soon more important than anything to him and makes it his duty to protect her!.Bella also meets a boy named Jacob (native boy on the rez) who tells her all about Werewolf and Vampire myths, that later on become an exciting reality!. Bella is introduced to Edwards family, and they love her!. Edward and his family are vegetarians (only eat animals)!. Bella is soon in the middle of a war between tracker Vampires (evil Vampires-eat humans) who want to kill her!. But in the end it is up to Edward!.!.!.to let his love die!.!.!.risk killing her on his own!.!.!.or!.!.!.let her transform and damn her to eternity!. I won't spoil it for you!.!.!.but I suggest you try it!

It about a girl named bella who moves in with her dad!. she goes to school and falls in love with edward ,he's extremely rude to here at first, and one thing leads to another, and after awhile they fall in love!.!.!.!.!.
it is a really good book, and it a bit overrated, and not just for pre-teens!.
i can't really say wats so great about it, because everybody has a diffrent tast in a book!.!.!.

oh yeah edaward is a vampier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well at first when my friend was reading it and i saw how into it she was i asked her and when she roughly explained -not very good might i add- i thought it was pretty stupid but like they say dont judge a book by its cover twilight is an amazing book and its seriously the next harry potter i mean look at it harry potter 7 was knocked off the best sellers week during its 2nd week for twilight
well twilight is about this ordianry girl that goes to live in forks with her dad because her mom got remarried!.
on her first day there this guy called edward gave her a look and a hard time in biology that she was wondering how a complete stranger could take such a dislike so fast!.
well she thought she was paranoid that she was the cause he was even absent from school, her thought were always about him and after awhile she found out she was completly in love with him!.
and in a quest to find out what exactly he was she discovered the truth -that he was a vampire, but a good one that dosent want to be a monster and hunt on animals
wat i find so addicting to this book is that its not what you explect at all i mean it sounds like a fairy tale but when your reading it its nothing like one, sure a vampire in love with a human is kind of like the overall thing but its basically two people struggling to stay with each othere even when they live in such differetn worlds, how bella tries so hard to stay with him to the end and also its interesting at how different the two people are i mean edward is a vampire and blla is this delicate human that edward could kill in an instant if he didnt have his gaurd up,Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a great series! If you like romance, you'll like it!. It's geared towards young adults, but I've heard of a lot of adults who love it too!. It's sweet and cute and romantic, and there's some action too!. It's definitely worth giving it a try!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read the books and i do think fans go a little to far when they start saying "TEAM EDWARD" and set up sites where you can stuff that says how obsessed u r with him!. i think thats kinda weird but i can understand y they r in love with him!. And to be honest i'm in love with him!. but i know hes not real!. BUT I AM TOTALLY A TRUE TWILIGHTER ALL THE WAY BABY!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

this REALLY old guy has a way to pass as a teenager (he was bitten by a vampire when he was young - that was 70 yrs ago) and goes to high school where he desires a girl - one way or another!.

When you look at it like that, it is the model for pedifiles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

slightly overrated, and the books don't seem to have lot of substance!.!.!.!.but its kind of a cute idea!.
and all that *intense* romantic drama!.!.!.!.haha!.
i reccomend reading it only if u are a teenager or preteen!.!.!.!.otherwise it might strike u as kind of silly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is a really great series and the way it just kinda hooks you into it makes you want to read more and more!. You should just read the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a new fad like Harry Potter!. People will be over it soon!. Its so overrated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just read it and you will find outWww@QuestionHome@Com