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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why do book critics despise adverbs so much?

Question: Why do book critics despise adverbs so much!?
What exactly is wrong with using adverbs!? In the English language, I strongly think they are necessary in order to refine the meaning of a verb exactly!. As we know, the English language is full of words that are vague/generalised compared to most other languages where there are a multitude of words to choose from to describe one thing precisely!. And I think adverbs are what the English language uses to refine verb meanings!.

So back to the adverbs, what's the problem!? I've just read a writer's forum where everyone were throwing their criticisms at JK Rowling for her "excessive use of adverbs!." One particularly irritable individual listed all the 'adverbs' from one chapter of Harry Potter, stating how much of a disgrace to litterature it is - but his list consisted of all the words ending in 'ly'!. Some were not adverbs at all, some were adjectives and going through the chapter, he'd missed all the adverbs that didn't end in 'ly'!. So really, did he know what he was on about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They can get a bit excessive/annoying if used too much – they can become a crutch so that a writer ends up using a phrase like "walked slowly" instead of a more interesting single word like "meandered" or "strolled"!. Basically, it's in the interest of making language short and sweet, and using better vocabulary!. However, I do hate when people keep harping on it all the time as if having adverb-less prose were the most important thing in writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It kind of makes the writing sound simple!. There's nothing really wrong with it, it just doesn't sound as nice!. But Harry Potter isn't really meant to sound good!. It's just supposed to tell a nice story!. But for example if a book said "She ran quickly," it might sound more complex if it said "She ran with high speed and agility!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's nothing wrong with adverbs!. That guy was stupid for thinking that all adverbs end in 'ly'!. He has no room to talk about how bad a writer she is, because his intelligence clearly shows!.

I understand if someone said, "I walk happily towards the car as I gladly look around!. Trees stand motionless and glumly as the car starts loudly!." But there's nothing wrong with using adverbs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was also taught that critics tend to frown on the over-use of adverbs!. I have learned what fallacies to avoid when writing!. Still, sometimes a good adverb is just what the story needs!.

A book called "On Writing Well" can answer your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Critics are not to be takes too seriously!. They are like eunuchs, they have seen it done many times but can't do it themselves so they criticise their superiors!. It gives them some sort of "satisfaction," ahem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the critique group I belong to, we call them 'flowery' words!. Overuse of them tends to slow down pacing and can make the writing un-smooth!. I've been taught to use them sparingly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you sticking up more for JK Rowling or adverbs themselves!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rowling doesn't care ,she is laughing all the way to the bankWww@QuestionHome@Com

because there is no such thing as a foot-long, jewel-encrusted penis that jizzes money!.!.!.!.!. Oh, I thought you were talking about women!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com