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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you know anywhere where I can get ask to get my book published in England?

Question: Do you know anywhere where I can get ask to get my book published in England!?
It needs to be well known if you can!.

Thanks for helping! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
check out which publishing houses publish the kind of book you have written and write to them or call them and ask if they take unsolicited submessions, if they do they will likely require you to send a synopsis and the first few chapters to review!. the better was is to find a literary agent first and then approach publishers with their help!. same applies look for an agent who likes your genre!. there is little point submitting your work to a publisher or agent of romance when you have a crime novel!.
also buy a copy of the writers and artists year book, there are lots os usefull addresses in it!.
i am about to start the hunt myself and this advice was given to me by an established published author!.
good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

decide its style /subject ie nature, cops and robbers,trains,murder mysterys, and so on go to the library and see the names of the publishers of your kind of book
One I can think of thats wide ranging Oxford Publishing co
but most publishers are known for one type of book accepting a marriage of film theatre and photographyWww@QuestionHome@Com

in the front and back of most books there is the address and telephone number of the book publisher she you could contact them to get your book published or you could always look in the yellow pagesWww@QuestionHome@Com