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Question: Some good summer reading books for a teen!?!!?
i'll read almost anything except harry potter haha!. thankss [=Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Here are some of my favorites:

Neil Gaiman is an amazing author! Any of his books are good!.

Edgar Allen Poe is a really good author!. Check out his poems and short stories!.

William Shakespeare is good too!.

Any books by Scott Westernfeld or Neal Shusterman are really good too!.

Any books by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes are amazing! There is In The Forest of The Night, Demon In My View, Shattered Mirror, Midnight Predator!. And then there is the The Kiesha'ra series: Hawksong (the best in the series!), Snakecharm, Falcondance, Wolfcry and Wyverhail!.

A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly

Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause

How To Kill A Rock Star by Tiffanie Debartolo

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

13 Little Blue Envelopes and Girl At Sea by Maureen Johnson

Abarat by Clive Barker, Make sue you get the hardcover version though!!! If you liked the first one be sure to check out the next book in the series Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War!.

Daughters of Destiny series: Keeper of the Winds by Jenna Solitaire, If you enjoyed the first one check out the next three books in the series!. Keeper of the Waters, Keeper of the Flames and Keeper of the Earth!.

The Abhorsen Trilogy (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) by Garth Nix

The Maximum Ride series (The Angel Experiment, Schools Out Forever, Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, The Final Warning) by James Patterson

His Dark Materials trilogy (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass) by Philip Pullman

A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels and The Far Sweet Thing by Libba Bray

The Riddles of Epsilon by Christine Morton-Shaw

The Cry of the Icemark by Stuart Hill, If you liked this one, check out the next two Blade of Fire and The Last Battle of the Icemark!.

The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray by Chris Wooding

Inkheart and Inkspell and Inkdeath (coming soon!) by Cornelia Funke

The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke

Holes by Louis Sanchar

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares

Dreamland by Sarah Dessen

A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass

The Morganville Vampire series (Glass Houses, Dead Girls Dance, Midnight Alley and Feast of Fools) by Rachel Cain

The Inheritance Trilogy by Christopher Paolini

The Chronicles of Narnia (7 books) by C!.S!. Lewis

The Hobbit by J!.R!.R!. Tolkien

The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J!.R!.R!. Tolkien

Impulse by Ellen Hopkins

The Secret Under My Skin by Janet McNaughton

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

All-American Girl by Meg Cabot

Uglies series by Scott Westernfeld

The Wind Singer, Slaves of the Mastery and Firesong by William Nicholson

Define “Normal” by Julie Ann Peters

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous

The Sight and Fell by David Clement-Davies

The Prophecy of the Stones by Flavia Bujor

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch AlbomWww@QuestionHome@Com

These are basically for teen girls!.!.!.I think boys should read them too, of course, but if they were made into movies, they would definately be under the "chick flick" category

Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella

Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison

The "Emily" Series (<-- unofficial name) by Katie Maxwell

Medium Series by Jenny Carroll/Meg Cabot (same person with a pen name)

Alice Series by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

These last couple aren't "girls'" books at all!. Anybody will enjoy them, I swear!.

Lamb by Christopher Moore (funniest book I've ever read!. Every single person should read this book!!!!!)

also, anything by Chris Crutcher is excellent!. My favorites are Whale Talk, Ironman, Athletic Shorts, and The Sledding Hill!. I swear, every single one of his books has had me sobbing by the end!. He writes really powerfully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i 100% recommend:

the bronze horseman trilogy by paullina simmons- an amazing love story set during world war II in russia!.!.!.it is one of the best books i have ever read

the stephanie plum series by janet evanovich- amazing books, exciting, funny, romance

metro girl and motor mouth by janet evanovich

the dexter series by jeff lindsay (the tv show dexter is based on these books)Www@QuestionHome@Com

TWILIGHT first of all but since your a boy i really dont know!.!.i mostly read girl books but their not girly so here are some:

Pretty Little Liars series: 4 kool girls are being stalked by someone who seems to know everything about them and threatens to tell their secrets!.!.!.they thought it was allison their dead friend but its not!. so who is!?

Fruits Basket: manga series about a girl name Tohru who meets a family that is cursed by the chinses zodiac!. when they are hugged by someone of the opposite sex they turn into their zodiac animal

The Party Room series: the party room is an awesome hang out until Kirsten's friend Sam is kidnapped and later killed!. the killer knows who they are and where they play o!.o

those are some of the books if you like my answer i will send some more!


uglies series - scott westerfield
a- list series - zoey dean
gossip girl series
ttyl - lauren myracle
ttfn - " "
l8r g8r - " "
twilight series
all-american girl - meg cabbot
avalon high - " "
pants on fire - " "
ready or not - " "
teen idol - " "
how to be popular - " "
airhead - " "
the clique series - lisi harrison
private series
gallagher girls series (however u spell it)
pretty little liars
maximum ride series
shadow children series - margaret peterson haddix
escape from memory - " "
turnabout - " "
they ashelys series
secrets of my hollywood life series
bar code series

sorry i forgot some of the authors!. you can find everything at barnes and noble or books!.com (barnes and nobles website)!.!.!.!. i enjoyed them all! (: although, i havent read EVERY one of them, but i know they're good cause i started the series!. hope i helped (:
oh, most are drama!. some are action or whatever (:
hope you like! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Historical Fiction:
Both Sides of Time series- Caroline B!. Cooney (also romance)
Bloody Jack series-L!. A!. Meyer (also adventure)
If I Should Die Before I Wake- Han Nolan
The Great and Terrible Beauty series- Libba Bray (also fantasyish fiction)
The Other Boleyn Girl- Philippa Gregory
The Queen’s Fool- Philippa Gregory
The Constant Princess- Philippa Gregory
The Bolelyn Inheritance- Philippa Gregory
The Book Thief- Markus Zusak

Fantasyish Fiction
Twilight series- Stephenie Meyer (also romance)
The Mediator series- Meg Cabot (also romance)
Avalon High- Meg Cabot (sorta)
Uglies series-Scott Westerfeld
Midnighters series- Scott Westerfeld

All American Girl- Meg Cabot
The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things - Carolyn Mackler
Fly on the Wall- E!. Lockhart
Megan Meade’s Guide to the McGowan Boys- Kate Brian
Lucky T- Kate Brian
The Five People You Meet in Heaven- Mitch Albom
My Sister’s Keeper- Jodi Picoult
Change of Heart- Jodi Picoult
The Da Vinci Code- Dan Brown

The Angels Trilogy- Lurlene Mcdaniel
The Pact- Jodi Picoult
The Notebook- Nicholas Sparks

Stranger With My Face- Lois Duncan
Down A Dark Hall- Lois Duncan
Locked in Time-Lois Duncan
Any book by R!.L Stine

Non- Fiction
A Child Called It- Dave Pelzer
Who Killed My Daughter- Louis Duncan
Diary of a Young Girl- Anne FrankWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Dark Lord of Derkholm" by Diana Wynne Jones
"Twisted" by Laurie Halse Anderson
"The Hitch-hiker's Gide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams
If you're into something a little messed up, you might try "The Basic Eight" by Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight Series, The Series of Unfortunate Events!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the teedy bear picnic
gone badWww@QuestionHome@Com

Catcher in the Rye

!.!.!.and then you can help me write my report on itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Water for elephants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

richard laymon
i started readin his books at 13 and got hooked
im now 17,
fave book would be savageWww@QuestionHome@Com

boy in the striped pajamas!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

have you read
if not get reading!!!
go edward :{DWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you are into History then I have a few authors you will LOVE!. The first is Walter Lord!. Lord made his name with A NIGHT TO REMEMBER !.!.!.the first big book about the TITANIC!. It was a huge hit, and from there he did DAY OF INFAMY, (Pearl Harbor) several other books and then on to A TIME TO STAND (the Alamo)!. What makes Lord special is that he tells his history (and it IS still history) as if it were a novel!.!.!.but it is not historical fiction!. What he does is research, research, research and interview, interview, interview people!. Then he puts the events together and writes them like a novel!. Very very accuate, but also exciting and interesting!.

Killer Angels, Michael Shaara is INCREDIBLE!.!.!. Pulitzer Prize for Fiction but is STUNNINGLY accuate and a great text on leadership!. When I was in the Army I had to read it at least three times!.!.!.it's on the required reading list at almost every Army school!.

Similar to Lord is Steven Pressfield!.!.!.his GATES OF FIRE is required reading in a lot of the Army units today!. I had a Colonel recomend it to me when I was in Qatar!. I hear good stuff about all Pressfiled's work!. Very good book!.

And there is James Michener!. He wrote historical fiction!.!.!.huge sweeping epics where he follows families through several generations as they live through the history!. I'm told The Source is his most popular book!. My favorites are The Covenant and Carribean, though Centennial is probably his best known work!.

Jules Verne is always a winner!.!.!. especially with teen boys!.!.!. The Mysterious Island would be my pick !.!.!. you can learn a lot from that!. Connan Doyle is good of course!.!.!.I'd bet good money you would probably like Agatha Christie

C!.S!. Lewis has some great stuff!.!.!. not historical but great stuff!. There are the Narnia books if you are into fantasy!. For older people there is the Space Trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet is C!.S!. Lewis meets H!.G!. Wells, That Hideous Strenght (my favorite Lewis book) is C!.S!. Lewis meets H!.P!. Lovecraft!.!.!. Perelandra is the book in the middle of the trilogy, Lewis LOVED it!.!.!.said it was his favorite thing he ever wrote!.!.!. I hated it!.

You might like Atlas Shrugged!.!.!. or you might not!.!.!.it gets SLOW at parts!.!.!.Ayn Rand will never make a point with one or two words when two or three thousand will do almost as well!. IF you skip over much of the preaching it is a durned fine novel with an exciting heroine, and a plot that is VERY relavant to our politics today!.!.!.it makes you THINK!.!.!. I read it over 20 years ago and I still don't know how I feel about some parts of it!.!.!.but you will have to skip over some of the very long speeches!.!.!. but fortunately you can do that without missing anything!.

Lastly for Sci Fi

First look at Ray Bradbury's work


THE ILLUSTRATED MAN, and THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES are my favorite!.!.!.!. "There Will Come Soft Rains" and "The Long Rain" and "The Rocket Man" I will ALWAYS remember!.!. FAHRENHEIT 451 is excellent too!.!.!.but don't let anyone tell you what it is about!.!.!.all the English Professors are WRONG!.!.!. Bradburry said so!.


For Humor AND Sci Fi!.!.!.DOUGLAS ADAMS!.!.!. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Long Dark Teatime of the Soul, So long and Thanks for all the fish!.!.!.etc!.

Heinlien's Juveniles are an all time favorite of mine!.!.!. Podkayne of Mars, Tenderfoot in Space, Time for the Stars, Space Cadet, The Rolling Stones (also very funny), Starship Troopers!.

Not a big fan of Heinlien's later work!.!.!. didn't like Stranger in a Strange land!.!.!.couldn't stand Time Enough for Love!.!.!. did like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress!.

Heinlien said that HE thought that The Mote in God's Eye (by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle) was the best science fiction novel ever written!. That's pretty high praise!.

Lucifer's Hammer is also a good read!. also by Niven and Pournelle, their best selling work!. Try to spot Ronald Reagan, and Pournelle and Niven themseves in the book!.

P!.J!. O'Rourke can be HORRIBLY funny!.!.!.but not everything he wrote is good for teens!. Look for his essay "Ferrari Refutes the Decline of the West" is an essay that is GREAT Fun!.!.!. wonderful read, very enjoyable!.!.!. "How to drive fast on drugs while getting your wig-wag squeezed and not spill your drink" is also VERY VERY funny!.!.!.but is probably not suitable for people under 17!.

Give War a Chance is pretty good too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com