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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm writing a story about elementals, and i'd like some advice.?

Question: I'm writing a story about elementals, and i'd like some advice!.!?
I know many wouldn't tend to help a fourteen year old with there writing, but I've been told my writing skills are impressive, and have recently receive a 20/20 for a story i have resently wrote for a half yearly examination!.

I mainly use my feelings as the characters feelings, and I have come up with the characters names, personalities, and looks!.

Is there anyway I can give my story more meaning!?
And is there many stories about people with elemental powers!?

Kasy: Controls Grass-Like elements, including vines, and when anger seeps through her mind, she can use, however not control fire!.

Chris: His dark mystic blue eyes represent his power; water!. He can create large waves, and when depression enters his mind soft raindrops can be heard tapping lightly on many roofs!.

And other characters whose powers are still unknown :P

Please and Thank-You!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's not a story about people with elemental powers but the television series Avatar: The Last Airbender does include "elementals"!. Great show!. Really interesting!.

If I were you I'd include how it feels to manipulate the elements when they use their powers!. Include how their body feels and their state of mind!. It gives more of a realistic side to it!.

As for meaning, just make everything proceed toward a large theme but also make sure tiny life lessons are included along the way!. But don't flood the reader with them or else they'll think you're not writing a realistic story, just some long story that's comprised of only lessons!. It gets boring after a while!.

Hope this helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

try and not do to many reportions and when you describe anything dont make it to long, and watch out for spelling errors and write fom your heart not your mind and try and not make the book to long drawn out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com