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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does Bella have any personality at all besides being clumsy, if that's even

Question: Does Bella have any personality at all besides being clumsy, if that's even a personality trait!?
Besides whiny, negative and clumsy, what is her personality and why does everyone love her so much!? :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah shes imaginative, brave, curious, in love!.!.!.!. thats why people love her!. let's just say shes a teenager!.!.!. hmmWww@QuestionHome@Com

She isn't whiny or negative at all!. She is very unselfish, just a little selfish in Eclipse, but you can't blame her for that, because she already experienced what is would be like without Edward, and she doesn't want to experience that again!. She is really kind to every one like Mike in Twilight when he asks her to the dance, she tells him no very kindly!. She thinkd of herself as selfish for having Edward, so she is completely unselfish and won't take ANYTHING from him at all!. She isn't the least bit whiny either, nor is she negative, like during the fight and before it, you may come across it seeing her as negative saying she doesn't want them too, she is worried about them because she loves them all and doesn't want anything to happen to any of them!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think everyone loves so much because she is the main chacter and she seemed to lost so much and be so helpless that you can't hate someone like that!. She has a very dramatic life and thats why she's so whiny!. Her mom and Dad are divored her boyfriend rips her heart in the 2nd book so shes probably negative plus she finds out that Jacob in the 2nd book is a werewolf the only "normal" person she thought she had since Edward!. I think her personality is caring, stubborn, and honest (she seems to hate to lie)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's because of her unique-ness!. She ordinary but extraordinary at the same time!. She's whiny but mature at the same time!. She's also very kind and always thinking of others!. And that is why Edward loves her, because he has lived for over 100 years, he's met all kinds of different people and Bella intrigues him!. There's no one out there who can possibly be like Bella, they can try but it's impossible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a little perplexed at why, at 18, she clings so desperately to Edward -- I think the interlude in "New Moon", when Edward leaves her, was a little unrealistic!. She never seemed to have a plan for "getting him back" -- she just sorta gave up and died!. A typical 18 year old would be hurt for a while -- and then get over it!. I'm a little puzzled by her passiveness -- she seems to accept Edward's decrees with very little REAL argument, other than pouting because he won't have sex with her!. That seems to be at odds with a girl who has been raised to be self-reliant!. Or maybe she just enjoys being taken care of, for a change, instead of being the caregiver all the time!. I would really like to see her get into a real knock-down, drag-out fight with Edward -- to care about something so passionately that she's willing to go against Edward's wishes!.

Of course, the typical 18 year old isn't friends with vampires and werewolves, either :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think most people either love her or hate her because they either want to be her, or are mad that they aren't her!. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with her!. Sure she's a bit whiny, and yes I wanted to smack her soooo hard when she kissed Jacob!.!.!.
but she really is just kind of a typical teenager!.

Get as defensive as you want, but most people are whiny and complain too much!.

Bella's just a little more mature than most people who whine (which gets very confusing at times)!.

*Add: We're not saying we don't like the books, we're saying we don't like a specific character!. It's entirely different!. Hating Victoria or the Volturi doesn't mea you hate Twilight does it!?
Honestly, I love these books more than anything else I've ever read and I've read A LOT!. Personally, I wasn't one of the people that "jumped on the bandwagon" after everyone else started reading them!. Some of us actually are die hard fanatics!.

Do us all a favor and think before words come out of your mouth!.!.!.
or keyboard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't hate her, I love Bella!. So do all of my friends!. If you hate the main character, why read the books!? That's what I don't get, and seriously! Stop complaining about the books!. If you don't like them, that doesn't mean every time someone says something about them you have to be all "I hate those books! Stop talking about them waa waa waa!", and if you don't like them, don't go on twilighters!.org and go on Twilight Chat (or other things like that) just to complain about them! It's not that hard!. =]

*Don't get me wrong, I LOVE TWILIGHT!!!=]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is zombie-like a personality trait!? I see what you mean!. In the book, it goes into more detail about what she's doing (making diner, etc!.) than what's going on inside her head emotionally!.

To Emma:
How do you know that you're going to hate the character UNTIL you read the book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's really brave!. I just read the first book again, and Edward comments a lot on how brave she is!. She puts herself in danger in order to save her mom, so that's pretty cool!. But judging by the way you wrote you question, you don't like Twilight very much, so I don't even know why you wasted time asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the point of bella is that she DOESN'T have a personality!.!.!.that she is just an ordinary girl, and edward loves her anyway!. like stephanie meyer is showing that even the most regular joe can hook a hottie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you guys hate "Twilight" so much, quit wasting your time writing about it!. Seriously!. The people who complain about Twilight spend more time talking about it than the people who like the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have no idea im just as confused as you i can name so much more negative traits about her than good i have no idea what edward sees in herWww@QuestionHome@Com