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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I want to write a short story for my dad... someone help?

Question: I want to write a short story for my dad!.!.!. someone help!?
My family has been a wreck for five years, and recently my mom and dad have been fighting almost too much!. My dad has anger problems which the docter blames his dad for!.

Fathers day is Sunday, and I don't have any money now, and my mom doesn't want anything to do with the day!. I want to write him a story, not a long one, about our lives!.

I was thinking of basing it from birds eye view!. I want a dove to be the narrator, describing what it sees!. I want the story to be really symbolic!.

If you've see the video to "the trial" by pink floyd, the cartoon one, I want my father to be a little scary like those characters!. And us as the children to be afraid!. I want in the end, the dove to read all of our minds, and for it to be very deep and emotional!. I want the dove to begin to cry, and it makes everything better!.

It's a BRIEF summary, but I hope someone can tell me if they think it would change my dads opinions of us, as people!.

I want to do it really badly!. Help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd caution you on a symbolic level against having the doves cry--doves are supposed to be peaceful and having something peaceful cry seems to me to equal misery!. If you have it crying from joy (though I'd suggest singing from joy) for clarity, that might work better IMO!.

Not having seen the Pink Floyd video, I can't help you out there!. However, cartoons use exaggerated gestures!. Have your dad be bigger than life, louder than life, stronger than life, etc!.--which would tie in with the anger problems!. Make every gesture, every word, resonate!. Think of how it would sound if it were The Terminator saying these things--you may laugh, but that's a serious suggestion as far as getting into the mindset!

Symbolism for kids in danger: The first one that I can think of is a gingerbread house, a la Hansel and Gretel!. Or, going the other way, make things fractured--through a glass darkly, a distorted view!. Maybe the dove sees things through that distorted view (a cracked window!?) and then, flying to another window, sees clearly what's going on--the true thoughts/feelings of your family!? Just some thoughts!.

"How long should a short story be, anyways!? 10 microsoft word pages!?"

It depends on what you're writing!. Generally a short-short (flash fiction) goes up to two MS Word pages--a short story tends to end around the 40-50 pages mark!. 10 should be sufficient for your idea, from the sounds of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

good luck, its a great idea!. Who knows, maybe he will get the point maybe he wont, but at least you will have triedWww@QuestionHome@Com

think all the things you did with him when you littleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sweety you are not alone!. There are many of us who have family members we dont get along with!. Thats to show that we are living in the last days!. In these times no matter how nice we try to be to people they just dont sseem to get it that we want whats best for them!. Maybe your dad has some issues from childhood and thats sad!. Its also commendable that you want to do this for your dad it shows that you love him!.

Usually the children are affected more when apouses argue!. Im affraid that if you dont understant whats going on when you get older you may dispaly the same attitude!.

What I have known to help is God's help!. I know a lot of people dont believe in him!. Thats why there is so much hatred and anger in the world!. We dont take the time to live by Gods standards!. We need God and our messed up lives indicates this!. And Im not talking about false gods here!. Im talking about the Almighty Jehovah!.

Heres my advice to you!. Dont do anything that you think would make matters worse!. Dont beat your dad down with his problem just respect him!. Do as your told as long as its nothing bad!. Let him know that you love him everyday especially the days he doesnt argue!. Make him feel special!.
and encourage him to get help!. Jehovahs Witnesses are always a good person to talk to!. Despite what bad things people may say about them when you check their family life you would want to have a family like theirs!. No they are not perfect but they have God as their help!. It works for them it can for you!.

Right now pray in your mind tell him how you feel ask him to help you the best way to help your father and if you are old enough you can look in your phone book for the nearest Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs witnesses!.

I hope everything goes well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com