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Question: I think I need some help!?
I have one goal in life; write a book!.

So many people have this goal for whatever reason, and I have my reasons too!. I've been working on a plot for the past three months!. Over and over again it's changing!. I find it hard to settle down and just write because I'm worried it will change again in my mind!. I've written 2 outlines, and still it changes- yet it's the same!. It's basic changes; past to present, different symbolic representations, etc, but it changed everything in the end!.

What I was wondering is if anyone knows how to just stop your mind from driving you crazy with new imaginative deatails!. I mean, it is a good thing, but it just messes you up!.

I'm in no rush to write this, I just want to start with out confusion!.

I was wondering, also!.!.!. should you start from the end!? I don't think I ever would, but does it help in the least!?

Thank you, anyone who answers!. It may be a difficult question, so I'm not concerned if I get few or no answers!. Thanks anywaysWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your book will change and evolve a lot!!! Just sit down and write it!. Having the outline is a good starting point and if you change perspective etc just keep on writing!. You'll have to edit edit edit edit edit edit (that's probably not enough edits lol) anyway so its better to just start and give yourself somewhere to start editing!. Some authors love writing the ending first!. I know several authors who always save the beginning for last because that's the hardest part to write!. It depends on what works for you!. I know I have to hop around as I get stuck and need time to flush certain parts of a book out!. You do it however you can, just keep plugging away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well ive never written a book but i have written short stories!.
Write down some outlines and plots and try to read them aloud to someone!.!.!.like your dog or parents or siblings!.
Whichever one you and your listeners decide on should stick
(i would reccomend picking friends)

Keep a notebook with you at all times so your always open for something and wont forget it
keep organized
I would do the front first!.!.!.!.!.but if you are really confused start from the backWww@QuestionHome@Com

I totally get what you're saying!
What you have to do is discipline yourself!. What I did when I was writing a book was I put a rubber band around my wrist, and everytime I had doubts, I gave it a good hard SNAP, so eventually I associated self-doubt with physical pain!. Hey, it's the only thing that worked for me!. :)
Or, you can listen to relaxing or classical music!. While I'm writing,I only listen to instrumentals and piano music to avoid doubting myself (one of my BIGGEST problems lol)!. I like Frederic Chopin and Beethoven, but you'll develop your own taste!.
also, everything you do to get inspiration, whether it be people watching or walking near creeks and brooks and stuff!.!.!.yeah, you'll need to stop!. I know, it's hard, but once you finish, you can do it all you want :)

Good luck! :DDWww@QuestionHome@Com