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Question: Twilighters!!You konw who you are!!?
after reading the twilight series everybody wanted a vampire boyfriend!. but i find myself wanting a werewolf bf! who agrees with me!? why are you team jacob!?!?
NO jacob bashing!! everytime you do,a fangirl dies!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I always wanted a Jacob!. Even while reading Twilight, I wasnt all crazy about Edward like most girls!. I think Jake has a better personality, and he is more like me!. Im wild, crazy, and annoying sometimes, so I think we would get along great!. lol!.

I am team Jacob because he doesnt have the personality of a rock!. (pun intended)!. He cares for Bella alot, and he still lets her live a little!. Jake has faults, like people should, and he certainly isnt perfect!. I cant stand "perfect people"!. Jake doesnt hold Bella back, and even if he disagrees with her choice, he'll make sure she is safe while doing it!. Edward is a little too over-protective for my liking!. Jake is arrogant, but you still love him, and he always makes me laugh!. Jake is also natural, and he is young, which makes him even better!. I am all for Bella marrying Edward, because thats the way it should be, but I would pick Jake!. Bella+Edward/ Me+Jake= happy ending!. :D

I think it just depends on your own personality, whether you like Eddie of Jake!. The romantic fantasizers will mostly prefer Edward, while us wild childs will love Jacob!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm team Edward, but Jacob is neccessary in the novels!. I don't understand why people love Jake so much!. So if some one could enlighten me, that'd be great!. I wish I liked him, but find myself hating him!. And screw the vampre boyfriend, I want to be a vampire myself!. That'd be way cooler!. A Twilight where Bella was the vampire to begin with would be so much cooler!. It's kind of an insult that the male is portrayed so much stronger, that's just one reason I don't like Jake or Edward's personality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

see im a spaz and my friends call me bella but id want a boyfriend who is bullet prof cuz who knows what im going to get myself in to
but on the other hand id want some who'd break help me break the rules just to have fun cuz my dad wont even let me think about riding a motarcycle so im inbtween but it would be hard for me cuz im allergic to dogs so if my boyfriend was a werewolf i woulnt kno if i was alergic to him or notWww@QuestionHome@Com

i love jacob
because he's so sweet and well REAL
and edward on the other hand is ALWAYS and i mean always putting up with bella's bs
i got tired of edward being such a push over so i turned to team jacob
plus i hate Bella
i like want to get he trap her for days and NOT feed her then get her out chansaw her legs off and work my self up intil what left of her is her head(and then i'll chansaw that too) =D
and since i HATE bella i don't feel anything for edward cuz he's the one that's gonna marry her
if you want to now why i hate bella so email me and i'll tell you why
it'll make you change the way you look at bella!.

Edward glitters, though! How could you like JACOB better than EDWARD!?!?!?

And no this isn't bashing!. It's my opinion!.

Even if it is bashing, and a fangirl dies because of it, well!.!.!.If it's a fan of Jacob then I question their IQ anyway, and if it's a fan of Edward, then that improves the odds for me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't really want a vampire boyfriend or a werewolf!.!.!. but of corse if i had to pick vampire all the way!.!. i mean vampires are sexy !.!. but iam not team edward or team jacob !.!. i totally forgot the team that like both but wants bella to be with edward!.!.!.!. well yeah iam totally that team!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, I do love Jacob!. He is nice, funny, sweet, and he really doesn't deserve what Bella did to him!. But I don't like him and Bella together!. I think that Edward and Bella are better for eachother!. But sooner than later Jacob will imprint on someone and he will find true love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its unbelievable how pretty much every girl that reads these books falls in love with one of the characters!. I'm more of an Edward-type girl personally!. Still a major fan of every male character in that book!. okay, minus the evil dudes and her dad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm for EDWARD!!!!i guess different people have different preferences and just because you prefer Jacob doesn't mean anything!.
and i'm not saying Jacob's bad,but he's fighting with Edward for Bella so i dont like him!.no offence intended!.(:Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a proud Team Jacober!. Jacob is loving, loyal, dedicated, persistent, sweet, hot (literally), a werewolf, reallistic and not perfect (unlike a CERTAIN vampire we all know)!.!.!.how could someone not want him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward!. I'm not saying I don't like Jacob, I think I see him as more of a brotherly type figure to Bella, the romance between them was just not believable to me!. Edward and Bella fit better as a couple !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like Jacob!. He seems sweet!. But i like Edward a lot more!.
And (hope I'm not spoiling the book for anyone) Jacob deserved that punch to the face in Eclipse!. By the way, I'm team Edward!!! Go Edward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha well I'm not a fangirl that wants to have one of the characters as my boyfriend but I think Jacob is a way better character than Edward!. He has so much more personality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Only read twilight and am waiting for my friend to finish New moon so i can read it!.!. =) I Dont know alot about jacob!.!. So I Cant say but i am in love with edward lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

OH! I feel the same way! Jake sounds SOOOO hot! Haha!. But Edward sounds hot too, lol!. I'm Team Switzerland, so I really don't care who Bella chooses!. But I love Jake, very much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't like either of them!. I'm on team Common Sense: the team of Twilight haters!.


srry a big jacob basher right here i just hate jacob so much i cant stand him edward is sooooooooooo much better and u noe itWww@QuestionHome@Com

soz but im edward i dont lije the idea of fur ugh he sounds ok though just aint my typeWww@QuestionHome@Com

i love jacob a lot but edward a lot more!.!.!.is it possible to love them both!?!?!?!? help me!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh my god

why do you people read these awful awful books!!!!!

it makes me want to tear my hair out!!Www@QuestionHome@Com