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Question: The Christmas Present Short Story!?
Has anyone read that one!? Where there is a laday named Della who is really poor and sells her hair for money to buy a present for her Husband and her husband also sells something valuable to buy a present for his wife!?

Well I need to know 3 strong character personailtiy traits and some evidence :) This is a little bit from my homework!. I managed to do the rest, I need help with this :D Thank you soo much! and also if needed I will provide a link where u can read the story online!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I presume you mean The Gift of the Magi by O!. Henry!? http://www!.online-literature!.com/o_henry!.!.!.

Della is passionate!. You know that by the way she cries at the idea of not having enough money to buy Jim a nice Christmas present!.

Della is frugal!. You know that by the fact that she's been saving money, one penny at a time!. That's extraordinary since Jim makes so little money and most of it must be used for necessities!.

Della is unselfish!. You know that by the fact that to buy Jim a nice gift she's willing to sell the one thing of hers of which she is really proud: her hair!.

Della is courageous!. You know that by the fact that she sells the hair, which Jim loves, to buy him a gift!. At that time, most women had long hair and would consider cutting it shameful!.

Della is considerate!. You know that by the fact that she is thinking of Jim's pleasure, not her own, and looks for the nicest watch chain she can find!.

Della is loving!. You know that by the entire story: unselfish giving, thinking of Jim and wanting him to be happy (no matter what it cost her), etc!.

Della looks on the bright side of things!. You know that by the fact that she isn't chagrined to find that Jim bought her beautiful combs for her hair, and she no longer has the length of hair needed to wear them!. Instead, she says that her hair grows fast, and she'll be able to use them soon enough!.

Della also knows the true Spirit of Christmas: loving and giving!. You also know that by the entire story!.

I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com