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Question: Do you prefer to read novels, short stories, or poetry!?
Does your choice depend on certain variables!? Your mood!? The weather outside!? Your ability to stay awake and focus!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Preference!. I suppose I prefer the novel, but honestly I think that is my go-to, lazy choice!. I'll read a novel regardless of energy or intellectual power!. It will always be there, and there is plenty of time to figure the thing out!.

Short Stories are sort of my early morning, or rainy day selection!. I like to read a short while I eat breakfast!. An odd habit, but it's one of the few times of day I've been able to force myself to do it!. I read through my "market" mags in the afternoon prior to writing sometimes after, but it's really very iffy with me on the short story!. I suppose the best answer is that I have three Volumes of short story anthologies in my bathroom!. I think that about sums it up, no!? And gives it a higher priority than some would think!!

Poetry, this is the stuff I have to be ready for!. I've got to build myself up to it!. It usually includes a couple great dictionaries, maybe a thesaurus, usually all the Greek Classics loaded up as well as Virgil and Dante!. I mean I have to get ready for battle! I make some coffee with a nip or two of good Irish Whiskey in it!. I don't have to be assigned poetry for me to read it (though it doesn't hurt) but I definitely have to be in the right mindset for it!. It takes a lot of effort, and usually challenges me in ways that novels and short stories don't!. In "High Selwyn Mauberley" by Pound, within my annotated copy there are 9 footnotes, at least three languages and four allusions to other works in section 1! (Only 20 lines, folks, of 245!) You've got to be ready to dig in, man! Poetry!. It can say so much in such short lines, no!?

(Of course I was referring to good poetry, not the type of brain melting rubbish you see posted in the Y!A poetry forum or on Poetrydotcom!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on the skill of the people involved, BUT!.!.!.

Typically I read novels in a few long sittings so if I'm busy (as I am right now with bar prep), I'll stick closer to short stories and/or short novels!.

Poetry is for when I am drunk/sad/looking for writing inspiration/curious what Philip Larkin is right about this time!. I wish I was more of a poetry reader, but I did so much of it in college and grad school (metaphysicals in particular) that I can't seem to quite get back in the groove for it except for Larkin, Lowell, Pound, and a few others!.

Bad poetry to me is worse than bad novels or short stories, because the main thing it has is how adeptly its technique shows its points--and so if the writing is bad there, it's much worse than in fictional form!. You have plenty of trashy novels--but no trashy poems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love them all!. =)

I think it does depend on my mood, though!. Sometimes I just feel like reading something long; sometimes I feel like reading something short!. It also depends on the time of day - I tend to read novels throughout the day, usually when I have a good amount of time to just sit and read, and I read short stories, poetry, and news/magazine articles while I eat (I like to finish reading a selection by the time I've finished a meal!.!.!. and!.!.!. hah, yeah, I read while eating!.)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Novels!. I find it really hard to get involved with the characters in a short story!. (This makes it pretty difficult for me in fiction workshops that mainly focus on short stories!.!.!. I hate writing them as much as I hate reading them!.) Occasionally I've come across a short story I've liked, but I think it has more to do with whether the concept is interesting than whether the characters/plot are good (I like a lot of Vonnegut's short stories just because the setup is so great)!.

I like reading poetry, but can't really curl up with a book of poetry, if you know what I mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I like novels and short stories!. Not much in poetry!. Actually my mood has to be right to sit down and read at all!. I have so many other things on my plate as a writer, I sometimes put reading on the back burner!. I do a lot of it with editing other people's work during the months ahead!.

When I do sit down and read, I have to make sure I can devote all my time to it and not want to stop at any point in the book!. I'm a 'I finish what I start' type person!.

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't read much poetry!. Short stories are good sometimes when I just want a little to read!. But I prefer novels because the story seems more 'complete'!. I'd rather have time to learn more about the characters and the world they live in!. I'm a writer and I've found it's much harder to create a whole plot in a short story than in a novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i prefer to read novels, long ones per say; it depends on my mood!. i like reading romance, the sad ones though on a rainy day!. when i'm barely able to stay awake and focus, i read short stories that are entertaining and comedy-like!. i'm not really a great fan of poetry but i like robert frost, emily dickinson, and other poets whom i don't remember their names!. poetries are best to be read on a rainy day or a sunny day for me!. is your question a poll!? does it have to do with something like the mind!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I mostly read novels
I think they have more thought put int o them than short stories!.
And I read because I think it is a great way to focus on something and its not something you have to really think about if you understand the language
Some short stories are good though!.!.!.!.but i do prefer novels
How bout you!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wish I had more thumbs up to give TheVet!. Plus, can you hear me laughing myself into a fit over here!? He nailed it solid for me!. (Except, of course, the books in the bathroom!. That must be a man thing!. My husband does all his reading in the "reading room!.")

For me, it's novels!. I like being involved with the story and especially the characters!. Only a novel can make that happen for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like the novels :P
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I don't like poetry!. I prefer reading novels, the longer the better!. It has nothing to do with my mood, it's about preferencesWww@QuestionHome@Com

it depends on my mood really!.!.but usally i like to read novels!.!.!. but sometimes poetry!.!.

i hate short stories!.!.!.=DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoy novels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoy novels!. Especially REALLY long ones!! lol! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't like poetry, and I'll occassionally read short stories!. Novels rule!.Www@QuestionHome@Com