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Question: Do you take good care of your books!?
Are any pages torn or missing!?

Do you dog-ear the pages!?

Is the cover bent or torn!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I take good care of my books, but then I lend them to my friend and she's not too careful with them, haha!. The worst she's done so far was ripping the cover of a Stephen King paperback!.!.!. I don't mind, as long as the pages are intact!.

One book that I own has one page missing, and I got it that way - I found it in my gran's attic!. My mom read it when she was a kid, and when I was 9 or 10 she told me to look for it so that I could read it!.!.!. it's a tradition-type thing, I guess!. For that particular book, there is no hard spine (just the part of the spine where all the pages are glued together - masking tape is where the spine should be, keeping the front and back covers together), a page is missing, and many pages are torn!. Still a great book, though!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like to treat my books well!. it is hard to keep excellent care of a book-especially if you read it like 50 times [*cough**cough* -the book thief-] some of my pages are dog eared, by i try to avoid it by using pieces of paper lying around!. and some of my covers are bent from my siblings or from the book sitting wrong in my bag!.!.!.what i dont like is when people ruin the binding, so the book doesnt lye flat!. and of course i dont have pages missing from my books, although i have one half eaten version of pride ad prejudice thanks of my dogWww@QuestionHome@Com

I try to keep my books looking as prim as possible, but, of course, the books that I enjoy the most look a little raggedy at times!. But, honestly, for my absolute favorite books, I will oftentimes have two copies - one copy that stays nice and safe on my bookshelf, and the other copy is the one that I read over and over again!. I guess I just like knowing that I have a nice, kempt copy of my favorite books!.

As for the questions that specifically asked!.!.!.
-I don't think I have books with pages missing, but some of them do have torn pages from being read so often and having been through a lot!.!.!.
-I never ever dog-ear my books (or even library books)!. I always use an actual bookmark, of which I have many from years of collecting them!.
-I do have books with worn and torn covers!. The books that I read the most have been transported to countless places with me and shoved into countless bags, etc!., and of course their covers show that on the surface!.!.!.

Best wishes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I try to take care of them, but a lot of my novels are novels I read for school (english lit!. major), and so I write in them a lot!. I try not to ever dog-ear the pages!. Some of my pages are torn as a result of being thrown in my backpack, and the covers are sometimes bent for the same reason!. I love my books but its hard to take care of them sometimes!. :( And plus, they have to sit in storage for the next 6 months so we'll see how they do!. :( :( :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the book!. If it's a cheap edition, I'll be confortable with it!. Or if I buy it used (which I do a lot) and it's already messed up, I won't try to keep it decent!. Or, if it's something I read over and over again, I don't worry about it!. Like shoes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

most of the spines of my paperbacks are bent but besides that, i obsessively keep my books neat and clean on my book shelves!. i did pass a book around with 5 or 6 of my friends which is pretty beaten up though =/Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always dog ear the pages, and the cover(if it's one of those annoying removeable ones) may get wrinkled, but other than that I take good care of them!. I try to get hardcover whenever possible!.:]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends but no matter what the book i read tons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya but if i read the book too much the cover gets bent


I try my best!. I hate when my books get torn or have bent pgs it bothers me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com