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Question: Of mice and men!? humorous or dramatic!?
Is Of Mice and Men a humorous book or a dramatic book!? What do you think!? Explain why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was dramatic!. Nothing so boring could be humorous!.

No, I'm kidding!. It was dramatic because all the events which occurred were very intense, from the conversations between characters to that final sad scene by the lakeside!. It was also unexpected (if your friends don't blab), which makes this even more so!. It is a very realistic tale, and shows us how quickly things can happen that can change your life forever!.

I simply don't think a book that is this sobering can be humorous!. It is a reality check for us, even if it is fictional, and helps us remember that life is tough and that life is precious, etc!.

P!.S!. It was really all because of a blackfly, you know!. it bit the puppy, which then bit at Lenny, so poor Lenny hit it and killed it, so Curley's wife had that talk with him about petting soft stuff, so she made him touch her hair, so he ended up killing her, so Curley was mad, so they went after Lenny, and then, well you know what happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This book is a drama, there is very little humor in it !.

George shows the men how strong he is , then Curly wants to pick on him and he takes it for so long then crushes his hand ,
Curlys wife finds out what happened and go Curly madder and madder

Then George goes into the barn to find Lennie playing with a pup ,because he was so soft and this was beside Curly's dead wife,

George knew exactly what had to be done,
He told Lennie to go to the spot he had told him to go!. Lennie said o k George and took off !.
The men all came in at Georges yell , They automatically assumed the worst and set out to find and Kill Lennie!.

In the end , we find George telling his story of the rabbits on the farm !. Lennie says " I can see em George, I can see em and George pulled the trigger !.

It had to be George who could help him die peacefully and happy !. Lennie whould never have understood any other way !.
Hope this helps and God blessWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think that of mice and men is a dramatic book but i think it was one of the best books that i ever read!. the way the author just put it together!.

like when he shows the boys walking and stopping at their lake like talking and george taking care of lennie really shows a great friend like you couldnt get any better than that!. he took care of lennie when lennie needed someone the most!. and not every friend would do that for their friend!. but i did not like the ending of the book so much but it was still good!. i mean i can understand why he would want to do that instead of have someone else do so but in a way that was kind of a selfish move!.

george really shows that he does care about lennie and he wants what is best for him!. and the best thing was that he was going to buy a farm with him and get the rabbits and things that he wanted and he was going to let him help out!. he didnt just treat him as another special person he treated him as a best friend even a brother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Cute Mamma" hit the nail right on the head!. I totally agree with her answer!. It's one of those books/ movie that should be required for everyone to read or watch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the saddest book ever!.!.!. i hate the ending!!
I get why he though he should kill him, but i still don't like it!Www@QuestionHome@Com