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Question: Which book are you!? Have you taken the book quiz!?

Click on "on to the book quiz" and answer a few short questions!.

Humor me!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
James Joyce's Ulysses!. For the sake of irony, that's all I'll say :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I know what book you are!. "Humor me" is from Twilight!. LOL:p Well I have read it in twilight =)

This is me well this is what it says about me:

You're Watership Down!
by Richard Adams

Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're actually incredibly deep and complex!. You show people the need to rethink their assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they build their houses!. You might be one of the greatest people of all time!. You'd be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits!.

Well hmmmm!.!.!. its kinda true!. I still don't have me all figured out!. I am what I am!. But I am not all rabbit addicted lol:p But it is true some people think they have me all figured out, but they have no clue!. Intriguing quiz!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's different questions every time!.

Once I was The Poisonwood Bible, once I was Mrs!. Dalloway and the third time I was Ulysses!. At least I'm erudite!

Edit) Apparently I'm also a freak!. I went back and did it again!. This go around I'm Compassion Fatigue, Brave New World and Siddhartha!.

Not a rabbit or a redhead in the lot!. Much less a hobbit! Maybe I should go for nine!. What do you think!?

Edit, again) Well, I just couldn't help myself!. This time I'm Les Miserables, Cat's Cradle and The Things They Carried!.

I guess I should add that I have always had a problem with the black and whiteness of polls and surveys!. I'm big on nuance and the concept of gray areas!. In one circumstance this is true for me and in another that is!. So I'm not cheating by taking multiple romps through the quiz!.!. I am just answering truthfully from different parts of myself!.
Some of the comments were pretty good and none of them were atrocious!. It really is kind of interesting, and way more fun than horoscopes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am as per the quiz The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!
by C!.S!. Lewis
You were just looking for some decent clothes when everything changed quite dramatically!. For the better or for the worse, it is still hard to tell!. Now it seems like winter will never end and you feel cursed!. Soon there will be an epic struggle between two forces in your life and you are very concerned about a betrayal that could turn the balance!.

I love this book anyhow!

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!. since you asked nicely and I have absolutely nothing better to do, I shall oblige!. And I do enjoy wasting-time-quizzes, to be honest!.

Apparently, I am 'A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving'!.
"Despite humble and perhaps literally small beginnings, you inspire faith in almost everyone you know!. You are an agent of higher powers, and you manifest this fact in mysterious and loud ways!. A sense of destiny pervades your every waking moment, and you prepare with great detail for destiny fulfilled!. When you speak, IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS!"

I'll have to remember to pick the book up next time I'm at the library!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Lonely and struggling, you've been around for a very long time!. Conflict has filled most of your life and torn apart nearly everyone you know!. Yet there is something majestic and even epic about your presence in the world!. You love life all the more for having seen its decimation!. After all, it takes a village!.

I sound so sad, yet so cool! I might have to read this!.
It takes a village to what, exactly!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am the Hobbit!.
All you wanted was a nice cup of tea when some haggard crazy old man came into your life and told you it was time to do something with yourself!. Now you're all conflicted about whether to stick with your stay-at-home lifestyle or follow this crazy person into the wild!. While you're very short and a little furry, you seem to be surrounded by an even greater quantity of short folks lately!. Try not to lose your ring, but keep its value in perspective!

It all good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're Lolita!
by Vladimir Nabokov
Considered by most to be depraved and immoral, you are obsessed with sex!. What really tantalizes you is that which deviates from societal standards in every way, though you admit that this probably isn't the best and you're not sure what causes this desire!. Nonetheless, you've done some pretty nefarious things in your life, and probably gotten caught for them!. The names have been changed, but the problems are real!. Please stay away from children!.

I don't see it!. Please don't judge me by that!. hahaha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


"You're Mother Night!
by Kurt Vonnegut
Nobody knows what to believe about you, and you know least of all!. You spent most of your time convinced that the ends justify the means, but your means were, well, downright mean! And the end is nigh!. Meanwhile all you want is to travel back in time, if not to change, then to just delight in the way it used to be!. You are who you pretend to be!. Oh yes, you're the great pretender!."

Spot on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're Compassion Fatigue!
by Susan Moeller
You used to care, but now it's just getting too difficult!. You cared about the plight of people in lands near and far, but now the media has bombarded you with images of suffering to the point that you just don't have the energy to go on!. You've become cold and heartless, as though you'd lived in New York City for a year or so!. But you stand as a serious example to all others that they should turn off their TV sets and start caring again!.

Haha, wow, I don't think I'm that deep!. And I really hope I'm not cold and heartless!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i robot
by Isaac Asimov
While you have established a code of conduct for many generations to follow, your demeanor is rather cold and calculating!. Brought up to serve humans, you have promised never to harm them, to follow orders, and to protect yourself!. Living up to this code has proved challenging and sometimes even drives you mad!. If you were a type of paper, you would be pulp!.

yea, i definitely dont really serve humans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're Adventures of Huckleberry Finn!
by Mark Twain
With an affinity for floating down the river, you see things in black and white!. The world is strange and new to you and the more you learn about it, the less it makes sense!. You probably speak with an accent and others have a hard time understanding you and an even harder time taking you seriously!. Nevertheless, your adventurous spirit is admirable!. You really like straw hats!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Watership Down here, too!
Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're actually incredibly deep and complex!. You show people the need to rethink their assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they build their houses!. You might be one of the greatest people of all time!. You'd be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits!.

I'm taking it again and putting down "armadillo!." Very cool site!

And I NEVER talk about rabbits!.!.!.!. Sheesh :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!
by C!.S!. Lewis
You were just looking for some decent clothes when everything changed quite dramatically!. For the better or for the worse, it is still hard to tell!. Now it seems like winter will never end and you feel cursed!. Soon there will be an epic struggle between two forces in your life and you are very concerned about a betrayal that could turn the balance!. If this makes it sound like you're re-enacting Christian theological events, that may or may not be coincidence!. When in doubt, put your trust in zoo animals!.

im cool w/ that!.!.!. its a good book!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow - I'm Ulysses!.!.!.

"Most people are convinced that you don't make any sense, but compared to what else you could say, what you're saying now makes tons of sense!. What people do understand about you is your vulgarity, which has convinced people that you are at once brilliant and repugnant!. Meanwhile you are content to wander around aimlessly, taking in the sights and sounds of the city!. What you see is vast, almost limitless, and brings you additional fame!. When no one is looking, you dream of being a Greek folk hero!."

That's me, to be sure!

Hafwen xWww@QuestionHome@Com

You're Watership Down!
by Richard Adams
Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're actually incredibly deep and complex!. You show people the need to rethink their assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they build their houses!. You might be one of the greatest people of all time!. You'd be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm The Fellowship of the Ring!

Facing great adversity, you have decided that your only choice is to unite with your friends and neighbors!. You have been subject to a ton of squabbling and ultimately decided that someone humble is your best candidate for a dangerous mission!. You're quite good with languages and convinced that not all who wander are lost!. If you see anyone in black robes on horseback, just run!. That's just common sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're Siddhartha!
by Hermann Hesse
You simply don't know what to believe, but you're willing to try anything once!. Western values, Eastern values, hedonism and minimalism, you've spent some time in every camp!. But you still don't have any idea what camp you belong in!. This makes you an individualist of the highest order, but also really lonely!. It's time to chill out under a tree!. And realize that at least you believe in ferries!.

I disagree!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're Confessions!
by St!. Augustine
You're a sinner, you're a saint, you do not feel ashamed!. Well, you might feel a little ashamed of your past, but it did such a good job of teaching you what not to do!. Now you've become a devout Christian and have spent more time ruminating on the world to come rather than worldly pleasures!. Your realizations and ability to change will bring reverence upon you despite your hedonistic transgressions!. Florida will honor you most in the end!.

awsome! GOD ROCKS!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Ulysses! I love that book!.
The last quiz I took paired me up romantically with John Travolta - I stopped taking quizzes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I got Ulysses

I'd say this isn't a very good "quiz" as it doesn't have many branches and at least three of the questions didn't have the answer I wanted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anne of Green Apples!. =)
I really did LOL when I read the description below the book, it matched me perfectly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I did!.

I was
Anne of Green Gables by L!.M!. Montgomery

Eerily correct!.


The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Siddhartha :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The HobbitWww@QuestionHome@Com

I got Watership Down, which I think is funny because it says I'm deep and complex and can be one of the greatest people of all time!. LOL!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lolita, though I have no idea why!. Maybe it's because I don't like Opra!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i got the giverWww@QuestionHome@Com