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Question: Stephenie Meyer interview!.!.!.!.!?
Does this interview scare anyone a little!?


The part where she hesitates and says that she doesn't know if she can jump back into the Cullen universe scares me a little!.!.!. I hope no one dies in Breaking Dawn!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
but she says she doesnt know if she can jump in to the cullen universe right NOW because she is really tired and busy!.
and she said that she might eventually!.
i don't think any of the main characters will be killed off!.
i mean, i have read and watched all of her other interviews
and she knows how angry and sad everyone would be!.
she just wouldn't do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think, given the cover of the book and what we know will eventually happen, she hesitates because Bella will be turned in the fourth book, ending the intrigue of the human/vampire romance!.

The cover of the book depicts a Queen piece on a chess board in front of a Pawn piece - Pawn to Queen is a chess move, where the pawn reaches the end of the chess board, it changes into another piece of the player's choosing (typically a queen, the most powerful piece on the board)!. This is a metaphor, most likely, for Bella changing into a vampire by the end of the fourth book!.

She has said in past interviews, however, that she will continue to write!. Meyer even wrote the first book in Edward's point of view, so there will undoubtedly be more material to read, don't worry! And if the series does end, there's always fanfic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG If Edward dies, I will cry, no joke!. It will be so sad!. She will also get many, many angry letter's from me!. Haha!. Well I still will cry, and the angry letter's are a definate possibility!. I think I could handle him not getting Bella, but not dying, unless they both die together for some reason!. That I could deal with!. That was just a response to what someone else wrote!.

As far as her interview, it didn't make me nervous about any of the cullens (including Edward) dying!. I think she just meant, they are all very complex characters, and would be a difficult perspective to write from!. The fact that she mentioned them is a good sign that they will not die or anything!. also, could you imagine the uproar there would be from Twilight readers if she killed off Edward, and she did say that she thought the readers wouldbe happy with this ending!. OMG I CAN't WAIT!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg i hope the ending she is talking about that she said everybody was going to like and what was meant to be was not bella ending up with jacob! i might let one of my friends read the book before me so i dont hate read it then hate it then end up hating the series forever!. that would be terrible considering that the twilight saga is my favorite saga ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMFG If she kills Edward I will cry, then hunt Stephenie Meyer down!.!.!.lol!. I mean, Edward can't die!. I agree with everything Lia A said, (above)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Research your question!. It's been asked several times before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my friend wiki-ed breaking dan and it said that edward has a 80% chance of dying!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm!.!.!. i guess we'll have to wait and find out! i'm not so sure!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com