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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has the new clique series book, Alicia, come out yet?

Question: Has the new clique series book, Alicia, come out yet!?
I was wondering if the book was available becuase I would like to get it before my vacation so I can read it!.

** also if you already have read it, will you respond and tell what happens, I don't care about people spoiling it, becuase I just read them over and over again becuase they are really good!.

Thanks for any answers I get!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yesss :)
The new summer collection Alicia has came out!
They are fantastic books ! :)

I have read it and its a must read for the summer!.
The beginning is very interesting and I loved it!
In the end, it was a suprise because it ended in such a quick note, but its a summer collection and totally worth buying!
Hope that helped :)

Oh and I'll give you some spoilers;
the guy that keeps following Alicia around is actually the pop singer 'I'
Nina and Alicia are friends by the end of the book
the real 'I' is not really spanish ( 'i' is the pop singer )
Nina gets Alicia back for all the things that happened to her while she was visiting in Wetchester
Alicia and Nina land jobs as towel girls


sorry though, i dont know about the new one
actually, i just found out there was a new one!
so thanks alot :)Www@QuestionHome@Com