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Question: Other's obsessed with Twilight!?
Ok so what do you think of the first scene!? I mean obviously it's not perfect, but at least it's something!. I don't think the movie will be completely accurate (but when are they!?) but I don't think it will be incredibly dissapointing!. Nothing compared to things like Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter!.

also any interpretations for the Cover of Breaking Dawn!? Love to hear it!.

also anything random you know about Twilight that I might not know!.

Team Edward: Because Jacob doesn't sparkle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the first scene was really good!. I mean, of course you cal tell that that's not really the first scene!. It's just clips of that part!. It skipped some stuff that will be put inbetween!. You can tell from watching the "We Killin Some People Today" video!.

I think that the Breaking Dawn cover is comparing Bella as human and a vampire!. I think the white piece represents Bella as human and the red one represents Bella as a vampire!.

Uhm, I can't think of anything random!.!.!. Okay, yes I can! I love Roberts Pattinson's (Edward) new nickname! Spunk Ransom!

Haha, I like the Team Edward thing you posted! That was cute! =PWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think the movie is going to be great and fairly accurate!.
The director had to re-write the script because the ones the writers wrote weren't accurate enough!.
I'm really anxious for this movie, it's going to be great!.
You can tell the actors are so dedicated!. :)

And I'm excited for Breaking Dawn also :)
I think the Denali clan might come back,and they'll stir things up!.
I thought the red chess peace might be Tanya, and white chess peace might be Bella, although I'm not sure

First of all!.!.!.i absolutely LOVE twilight and i agree that the movie will probably not add up to my interpretation of the book! But, I'm still very excited to see twilight hit the big screen! I really like the Team Edward:Because Jacob doesn't sparkle, i feel kind of bad for him, but he was so horrible to Bella!. I am almost afraid that Bella will end up with Jacob, and that worries me because I so want her to be with Edward!!

I thought that the cover of breaking dawn was very unique, i really didn't expect a chess board to appear!. I don't know really anything about chess but I am assuming that Bella is the red pawn (to symbolize her blood) and Edward has to be the white queen right (since he's so pale)!? Maybe this shows that the queen will take over the pawn, but why not make it a king!? I don't really know, but I am more than ready for the last book to come out! My thought is "just bite her already"!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm completely stoked for the movie!!! and i totally agree about it being good enough but not fully accurate!. as far as MOVIES go, i say it's gonna be awesome!.

and i'm not any good at chess so i don't really know much about the cover, but i do have some theories about what's going on!.!.!. i think jake's gonna come back and crash the wedding or something like that!. i also think the Volturi is gonna have something to do with the story!.!.!. i'm still thinking of stuff!

i doubt i know any more than you do about Twilight!.!.!.!.

and if you care to know, i'm team jacob (i'm thinking it over though) =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure how I feel about the movie!.!.!. some days I'm like MOVIE!!! and some days I'm like OMC they're gonna mess up it the perfectness that is Twilight and Edward!.

The cover- well chess is a game of strategy and skill right!? So maybe like a fight!? But it could be like an internal fight (Bella over her new blood lust, Edward over taking her soul, Jacob over letting her heart freeze over as he calls it!.!.!.)!

Random twilight info: super cool fan tshirts at edwardandbella!.net! Oh and the name Jared is in the Twilight series and the Host!

Officialy bitten xxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't met anyone who thinks the book is just okay!. Everyone I know either LOVES it or HATES it!.

Anyway, I am one of the lovers but some of the critics have made me feel some parts aren't too great!.

And, the movie shall be great but obviously not highly accurate but I believe it will be fairly!.

I can't wait for Breaking Dawn either!

I loved the first scene even though your right it was wrong, ill probably still go see it cause im a finatic about it!. i have to read at least 2 chapters of the book each night before i go to sleep, yes i have a problem!. And i dont know anything about the cover sry!!
"normel ppl say glitter, twilighters say EDWARD"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE IT! one of my favorites!.!.I actually just finished it today!.!.haha!. The first scene was!.!.weird!. Idk, but I'm excited for the movie!

The breaking dawn cover is a chess board, with pieces!. I'm excited to read the rest of the books!

Edward is!.!.amazing! Although Jacob in the movie is quite cute :) hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's a movie so they are gonna change some things!.!.!.but i like the scene!. I also think it's gonna be a good movie!.!.!.!.!.i mean its Twilight!

I think the cover is about making choices!.!.!.!.!.like in chess you have to make the right move!.!.!.i know it sounds corny!.!.!.

Did you know that breaking dawn is the last book form Bella's pov!? :(

GO TEAM EDWARD!!! Sexier than you since 1918!!!!

I ? SPUNK RANSOM!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

um i know the whole twilight thing with all the books happened because of a dream stephanie meyer had

i think the title breaking dawn doesnt match nor does the cover
twilight new moon and eclipse all have 2 sylables but breaking dawn has three idk why but thas really bthers me!!!

(i would love 10p)

TEAM EDWARD!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have to admit, im OBSESSED with twilight!! it is my bible!!!

i belong to a twilight believers cult!.!.!.!.!.thats pretty sad isnt it!.!.!.!.

and honestly, i have no idea what the breaking dawn cover means, but the chess pieces are cool!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

for the breaking dawn cover i think the like white
pawn in the background is bella human
but the red queen is her changed
OMG IT WAS SO GOODWww@QuestionHome@Com

You need to just go to a fansite and get an account there!. Just because there are people here doesn't mean that we want to take up space with opinions!. Some people here need ACTUAL help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Research your question!. It's been asked too many times!. And this isn't even a question!. It's an opinion poll!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly there are other books out there!. Why is everyone flooding the boards with this question over and over!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com