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Question: Action sequences in book Mattimeo!?
what are some fo the big action sequences in the book, Mattimeo, by Brian JacquesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh geez, if I bother to go all the way to my room and flick through that book (god its been a long time since I read it!) for you I better get best answer lol

Ok, theres a Massive fight at the end in the Kingdom of Malkariss involving hordes of rats and the Guosim!.

And i've just discovered that the book is like 450 pages so I cant be bothered finding more!. By memory though, theres a scene involving a chase through a haunted forest, and down a pike-filled river!. Oh thats right, and another involving a massive abyssal gorge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com