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Position:Home>Books & Authors> For anyone who has ever completed a novel, how long did it take you to write it?

Question: For anyone who has ever completed a novel, how long did it take you to write it!?
How many hours a day, and days per week, did you write!?

I am currently writing a novel full-time!. I've been working on it since January, and just can't seem to complete more than a chapter a week!. I usually spend a few hours a day writing/editing!.

I just don't see how authors like Zora Neale Hurston completed "Their Eyes Were Watching God" in seven weeks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no hard and fast rule!. Somedays when you allow yourself four hours of uninterupted time, you can find you're still writing ten hours later!. Other days, four hours creates a pile of waste!.
How long is a piece of string!?
My current project has taken five months (55, 000 words so far )!. Best advice I ever recieved, was leave any editing until you are a least three quarters finished, as it can distract and block fresh ideas!. Keep up the good work, it'll be worth it in the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've written one full novel (approx!. 50,000 words/103 pages)!. It took me just over half a year to write it; about eight months!. I usually wrote about one chapter a week, sometimes two or three!. I spent about five hours every Saturday writing, sometimes more, sometimes less!. Every once in a while I'd sit down at my computer for a couple of hours and write part of a chapter on a different day of the week!. But mostly, it was just a one day a week kind of job!.

I've learned since then that how fast you write really all depends on experience and how much the story clicks for you!. For instants, I started another novel last month and finished the first 10 or so chapters within a few weeks!. I really liked the story and wanted to know what was going to happen next, and the story really clicked with me!. I could write it freely and easilly, hardly ever running into Writer's Block!.

Good luck finishing your novel! I hope it's published someday!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stop editing!. Wait until you're completely finished before you edit, otherwise you will NEVER be able to complete it!. You should finish the novel and then revise a few times, then let someone else edit!.

I write every Friday after work and make myself set goals!. It's just like any other job!. You need to give yourself deadlines!. I make sure I write fifty pages before I put it down!.

also, I would suggest writing a an outline to help you keep the story moving, so you don't get stuck and start editing instead!.

You should be able to finish this novel if you're doing it full time!. There is no excuse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I finished writing a book last year and it took me about six months!. A chapter a week is good, but how long are they!? My chapters were about 15-25 pages each!. I am currently on my second book, and I started it in April and I have 130 pages!. It depends on the speed you wish to go and how long the book is!. If your book is from 200-300 pages, it should take about nine months as an average!. If it's 300-400 pages, it will probably take an average of about a year, but then again, I've heard of wuthors who took six years and six months to write the same amount of pages!. It all depends on the pace you want to go!. I hope my babbling helps!. :)

Its just different for different people!. Stephen King said that even his outlines take over a year to write with some books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com