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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Have you read Feast of All Saints - Anne Rice??

Question: Have you read Feast of All Saints - Anne Rice!?!?
If so, did you like it!? What are some pros/cons about the book!. I bought it because I love Anne Rice and it was recommended to me by a friend!. I'm more familiar with her vampire novels which rock, and I know this one is different!. I'm not much of a history person though, will I enjoy the book!? First few pages are seeming a little draggy so far!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
oh god!.!.!. i was an anne rice fanatic for years and years!.!.!. but this book!? hated it!.!. had to force myself through it!.

try cry to heaven instead- that was a killer novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've not read it but have seen several reviews of the book and the movie!.
It is dazzling historical novel!. Before the Civil War, there lived in Louisiana, people unique in Southern history!. For though they were descended from African slaves, they were also descended from the French and Spanish who enslaved them!.
I am sure you'll enjoy it!.It is not full of vampires like Anne's other novels!. Although the first pages may be a drag, if what the movie portrays approximate the novel, then you'll like it a lot in the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com