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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has anybody else realized this about Twilight?

Question: Has anybody else realized this about Twilight!?
i love the book and everything!. theyre so wonderful!.

but i just wanted to know if anyone else noticed that the characters just aren't human!.
like for instance bella is described as not really pretty and as clumsy!. yet almost every guy loves her!.
now, in today's society many people are superficial and all they care is looks!. so thats not really normal!.

i mean it must be very hard for an author to make a character with enough human flaws!. but still just wondering!. :)

(no haters please, i know its a wonderful novel :p)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know! I thought I was the only one who realized that!. In the first book, I really liked Bella, and found that I could relate to her!. But now, I find her very montonous (especially at the beginning of New Moon) and just non-relatable anymore!.
I still like the books and all, don't get me wrong, but the guys throwing themselves at Bella when she's described as so plain and regular, I find to be a little far-fetched!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here is the deal with that!.!.!.Stephenie had actually answered this question on her website!. The thing that really attracted a lot of guys about Bella is that she's new!. It's a very small school and as a new girl walks in, everyone is interested, you know what I mean!? also, when Bella as described as average looking girl, that's what she thinks, but as you keep reading, you will see that many characters, including Edward and Jake, say that she is beautiful!. I doubt she's gorgeous, but probably more than average :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

um well see the guys in forks are so secluded from the "normal" world!. they arent used to having these really pretty girls all the time!. so they have to settle on personality!. plus, as stephenie has mentioned, almost everyone has lived in forks their whole lives, so they know all the girls and stuff!. so when bella came along, they were like "Woah! i havent seen her before!. she must be super duper!" and so they like her!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Twilight, too!. However, I'll have to disagree with you!.

The reason Mike, Eric, and Tyler are all interested in her isn't because of the way she looks, but because she's new!. In a small town like Forks, where nothing much ever happens, Bella is a novelty, and that's what makes her so interesting to everyone!.

And Jacob was angry at her!. Didn't you see the note he sent her at the beginning of Eclipse!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm such a Twilight fan as well!. =)

I dunno, I think she does a good job with her characters!. I think it's just because Bella is something different to the boys of Forks!. And Bella suggested the whole "Damsel in Distress" scenario!.!.!. hmm!.

I know at my school, anyways, the athletic girls are adored!.

-loves Carlisle-Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Twilight, but I never reliezed that before!. But I see where you are coming from!.

Maybe it's because Bella is new to Forks!. In a small town, when there's a new kid, EVERYONE flocks to him/her (trust me, I know this)!.

And doesn't Edward like her because her blood smells great or something like that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you'll notice that Bella's the one who thinks that of herself!. Edward says things to make us realize that she really is pretty!. Stephenie Meyer added that in to make Bella more realistic, because, honestly, what girl doesn't look in the mirror and think, "I look awful today!" every now and then!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess that is kind of true but stephenie meyer is not from our generation!. she has been out of high school for a while now and already has a husband so maybe thats how it was in her high school years and she just doesn't realize yet that its not the same as it used to be!. thats my opinion!. the girl does have talent in writing stories though i have read them all so far!. including "the host"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because she's not the most beautiful girl doesn't mean she's ugly so the (superficial) boys still like her!? I guess she is just something new!. And also, it's a small town so not many stunningly gorgeous people are gonna be coming into Forks High School!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see your point, but, for one thing, Bella isn't pretty but clumsy, some guys like a Damsel in distress so they could play princeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a hater!.
I saw these flaws on the first page!.
End of story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm so jealous of Bella!.!.!. she does not deserve Edward!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

bella thinks that only for herself!.!.but hr clumsiness is true!.!.guys liked her because shes a new face in their school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know what you mean!.i noticed that too!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I reccomend you read the first chapter of midnight sun, if you haven't already!.

When Bella arrived in Forks, she was a new and novel thing to the monotonous high school routine!. Forks High School was very small in population, and was pretty boring - not at all exciting!.

So when Bella came, it was a break in the monotonous cycle!. She's not /ugly/ or anything - she is described as attractive, but not beautiful!. Not every girl is beautiful, but many are very attractive!.

also, Bella's got a loveable personality and all that!. So they like that about her!.

That's the best I can come up with!.


Jacob /does/ get mad at Bella!. That's why he tells Charlie about the motorcycle - to get Bella grounded so that she'll never be able to leave her house to see Edward anymore!. If he wasn't mad at Bella, he would have done things differently, I think!.

And he's also mad that she wants to become a vampire!.

so yeah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com