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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does Boo Radley have a history or is he just some weird person living alone in a

Question: Does Boo Radley have a history or is he just some weird person living alone in a house!?
It's been a long time since I read the book and I'm just wondering what his story was, if any there be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A recluse who never sets foot outside his house, Boo dominates the imaginations of Jem, Scout, and Dill!. He is a powerful symbol of goodness swathed in an initial shroud of creepiness, leaving little presents for Scout and Jem and emerging at an opportune moment to save the children!. An intelligent child emotionally damaged by his cruel father, Boo provides an example of the threat that evil poses to innocence and goodness!. He is one of the novel’s “mockingbirds,” a good person injured by the evil of mankind!. - Sparknotes

Boo is just a random person who helps personify the mockingbird!. He saves Jem and therefore begins to open up!. Honestly, I dont know a lot about this character (been a while since I've read this book too)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the story goes that he was mentaly challenged he stabed his father in the leg with a pair of scissors and was kept in the prison basement for doing so but his father took him home and hid him away in the movie you see the father going to and from the house to get graceries and he cementes a notehole in a tree that boo kkeps filling with gifts for the kids!. Boo is based on a real person that actually lived in the authors neighborhood as a child!. Boos name is ArtherWww@QuestionHome@Com

My Boo is just a big overgrown worm who likes to use my screen name when I forget to sign out!.

Excuse me!?
I'll Bwahahahaha you in a minute!. Come out from under that bed right now!.
(squiggling furiously, wiggle, squiggle, snicker, Bwahahaha)
Nono, smack him on his weird little tushie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are several rumors about him!. He stabbed his father in the leg and things like that!. But yeah, I always just thought of him as the creepy neighbor guy that saves Scout!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well there was a few storys about him stabbing his father and then there was one other when he was supposedly stuffed up in the chimney thats about all we hear about him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think he was just a weird person living alone!. He sounded kinda albino didnt he!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com