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Question: Alice in wonderland cheshire cat!?!?
ok basically I am doing an essay on alice in wonderland tomorrow!. I need you to explain me the lifestyle of the cheshire cat!. I know it is suspicious, human features (mouth) and cat features (body)!. it talks (human)!. talks in riddles!. opposite many things!. will grin and the grin with vanish more and more!. how else can you define the cheshire cat!?

also, I learnt about didactic!. it's either the book is educational, amusing or both!. but im not sure which!. this book is both though!. so is this book didactic or not!?

that's it for now!. thx! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not didactic at all!. I have never thought of Alice In Wonderland as education, I always thought it was purely for fun!. There were a lot of didactic books written in the Victorian era, but this isn't one of them!. it is pure enjoyment!.

I can't really think of anything else to add to your description of the Cheshire Cat, you seem to have covered it pretty well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He act as a guild and a helper to Alice throughout the book!.
The book was made to be amusing for a few little girls!. People take fanciful writing to seriously be saying he was doing drugs!. The only reason people think that is because of the song "White Rabbit"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Supposedly inspired by a carving in a church in Cheshire which Lewis Caroll (or Charles Dodgson, if you prefer) attended in his youth!. If you sat in a certain pew, the angles meant that all you could see of the carving was the mouth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omgsh,i love alice in wonderland!
All i know about the cat is all that u said and plus the voice of winnie the pooh is also the voice of the chesire cat!.
I just thought that was a cool fact to share!. lol
Good luck on ur presentation! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

He seems to be very knowledgable about wonderland and is Alice's guide throughout the novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's very laid back and guides Alice through WonderlandWww@QuestionHome@Com