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Position:Home>Books & Authors> On the book cover of breaking dawn the K in the title stands out did anyone noti

Question: On the book cover of breaking dawn the K in the title stands out did anyone notice or is it just me seeing!?
stephanie meyers Breaking Dawn book stirs more questions in the title to what is to come, does anyone feel this way too!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
on all of the books one of the letters stands out!. the L in Twilight, the n in New Moon, and the P in Eclipse (i think)
what i think the cover is representing Bella!. the red pawn is Bella in her human form (soft, pink, weak, fragile,) and the white queen is Bella once she is turned ( hard, white(extremely pale), unbreakable, cold)
Just a guess though!. that is the best i could come up with for the cover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, i noticed that as well but i have no idea what it could mean!. at this point i'm still confused with the cover art itself!. there are a couple of possible meanings for the cover but at this point i didn't know what to believe!. i'm guessing we'll just have to wait until the book comes out and we can read it so we figure out what everything means, just like in the previouus books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i n=know that cover means that STUPID BELLA is gonna turn into a vampire because the red little thing for chess is her before the change : small, insignificant, fading away, and warm hence the red
and the white is her after : big, strong, powerful, cold hence the white

but idky the k stands out maybe it means Kill!

like some one is gonna dieWww@QuestionHome@Com

i feel the same way as you do!.!.
i feel that the title meanes that something new !.!. a new day !.!.so that could mean bella starts a new life !.!. it could be as a vampire with edward , or without edward at all!.
many people have many diffrent theroies and question as i myself but we will not know untill Breaking dawn comes out ,but many people have good guesses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The K does stand out but if you look at all the Twilight books there is a letter that stands out, and in the past none of them have been significant, so I wouldn't read to much into it!. I think it's just to make the cover more visually appealing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm well i havent really looked at it that hard enough to notice the k being bigger, but i noticed in twilight that the L stood out!. it just seemed bigger and like!.!.!. specialer or something!. but i mean, try to imagine the cover of BD without the big K!. It might look !.!.!. idk more boring!. the big K adds pizazz!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I searched for images on google, and there are about 9 different print editions, so you might just have a defect or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com