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Question: Best Friend For Never clique novel quotations!!!!!?
I need two quotes that show that Massie is selfish and mean and two quotes that show that Claire is nica and compassionate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i have the book just let me go get it
ill give two for each girl
massie- uchh stay away from me your prev- said that to calires younger brother
massie-its not just an outfit kuh-lairre this is sude

claire- i was just thinking how funny it is that you know clothes are so improntant to you thats all

calire- at least my enitre life does not revlove around what people think of my outfits

hope this helps


hold on let me get my book && find some quotes xDWww@QuestionHome@Com