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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is it possible to reserve a copy of Breaking Dawn to buy at the store?

Question: Is it possible to reserve a copy of Breaking Dawn to buy at the store!?
I realize you can pre-order, but it may or may not arrive at your door the day it comes out!. I'm planning on going to either Barnes and Noble or Borders 12:01 on August 2 when Breaking Dawn is released!. Does anyone here know if you can reserve a copy to purchase at the store!? I want to get it the day it is released, but I don't want to worry about them running out of stock at Borders or Barnes and Noble!. Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
of course! Personally I think this better than pre-ordering it because i'm always afraid that it will come later then it says it will!. Either call the store you want to reserve it at or use their website!. www!.barnesandnoble!.com or www!.bordersstores!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

At Barnes and Noble (where I'm going) you HAVE to reserve a copy or else the book will be gone!. After you reserve the book, you'll come back August 1st in the afternoon and stand in a massive line just to get this bracelt that will be color coded, saying when exactly you'll be getting the book!. After that, you're free to go until midnight when you can come back and get the book after waiting in line again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can pre-order and then go pick it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com