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Question: Which Stephanie Meyer book do you like best and why!?
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Wow, this is SOOO difficult!.
Okay, I'm torn between all three!. Twilight - that's where it all began!!! Without this one, there wouldn't be any others! New Moon - I am an Edward fan, so this was the most boring for me, because of that HUGE chunk in the middle where he was gone, unless Bella was imagining his voice, face, etc!. But the parts with the Volturi were really cool, and I loved how Bella wasn't affected by any of them!

But, I'll have to say!.!.!. Eclipse is my favorite!.
I like Eclipse best because it's so passionate!. Edward and Bella really connect on an emotional/psychological level, and they learn how to compromise, and get what they want, while also making their lover happy!. And, they agree to marry!! :) This book was also the most developed in my opinion - the whole conflicts of Jacob vs!. Edward and Vampires vs!. Werewovles and Good Vampires vs!. Bad Vampires!.!.!. there were so many sub-plots going on! It was so crazy! But I loved it because of all of the action, drama, romance, fantasy, etc!. It was sooo much fun to read!. :) And I loved it because Bella finally understood what she was gaining/giving up by choosing to become a vampire - she finally really thought through it, and came to terms with it!. It showed a lot of character development!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like most people I loved the entire Twilight series!. However, unlike most people they aren't my favorites!.

The Host, on the other hand, while still impossible seems much more realistic to me for some reason!. None of the characters are perfect and all have some truly out-standing flaws!. Maybe its just refreshing after the altogether to perfect Edward (go Jacob!) but Ian and Jared seem much more likable!. Actually they'll comparable to Jacob and Edward, just less perfect and more realistic!. You could probably find an Ian or Jared in real life, which totally makes the entire book a better read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm soo torn between Twilight and Eclipse! Of course New Moon is out of the picture because there is no Edward for 300+ pages!. haha!. (Who else wanted to throw the book across the room when you reached the pages that said October, November etc!.!?) Twilight was good because there was no Jacob to get in the way and it was truly Edward and Bella!. But then again Eclipse was good because it showed Bella and Edward doing a lot more and just how much they love each other!. (And Bella breaking Jacob's heart was definetely a highlight) So i would have to say Eclipse because she chose Edward and she said they were getting married!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight and Eclipse!

I like Twilight bc its when Bella & Edward are just falling in love, and it's so sweet and innocent!.

I like Eclipse bc Edward & Bella are REALLY in love, and they realize that they just HAVE to spend the rest of their lives together!. And they're really hott in that book, heh heh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE all of Stephenie Meyer's books but I think i like Twilight the best because it's the beginning of it all!. once i read it i couldn't stop, the same goes for her other books but Twilight just seemed to suck me into it more than the others!. i think it's because it's the introductory of the characters and events that started the whole Twilight frenzy and that everyone loves!. After Twilight i would say The Host, then Eclipse and New Moon!. I can't wait to read Breaking Dawn!. All of her books are so good!. it's hard to believe that an author can write so many consecutive books that are able to keep you reading from cover to cover!. I'm sure that Breaking Dawn will be able to have this effect as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Twilight, we began to meet the characters and it's really interesting and akward how Bella and Edward fall in love and I really feel like I fall in love with Edward lol and in Eclipse it has a very interesting ending eventhough it's really sad in some way, New Moon was alright but I'm definitely going for TwilightWww@QuestionHome@Com

twilight and eclipse did not like new moon too much o well i hope breaking dawn is good! i liked twilight cause well it was just an awsome book and i like eclipse cause it shows no matter what happened ture love always wins! haha that is so chessy o well i couldn't think of anything betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Eclipse!.!.!.it brings out a very high point in all the characters' lives! Another big reason is because it has such a different mood from New Moon (which I didn't like)!.!.!.there is a lot more action which keeps the reader guessing continuously!! :)

(I haven't read The Host yet!.!.!.!.and I'm waiting for Breaking Dawn!! Yay!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoyed the Volturi portions of New Moon!. It was the only part of the series truly Gothic!. The rest of it was boring!. Pax-C Team France!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am going to have to say eclipse!.!.!.!.!.she really brought it all on that one!.!.!.!.!.i didn't think that any author could do that!.!.!.!.!.but she did it great!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight!. it is still the best for me!. when everyone fell in love with edward and the drama with jacob wasnt there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because Jacob wasn't thereWww@QuestionHome@Com
