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Question: Anita Blake fans!?!?!?!?!?
Have you read her latest one Blood Noir, if so what did you think of it!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Well, I literally just finished reading Hamilton's Blood Noir, like half an hour ago!. I must admit that as much of an Anita Blake fan that I am, I was disappointed by this and the last couple of Anita Blake books!.

Not to say that I don't enjoy the descriptive images, Laurell K!. H!. paints in her books, but I'm just not turned on by it anymore!. I have read so many smutty romance books, that they don't really float my boat anymore!.

Frankly, I am tired of all the sex!. I mean, with all the horniness caused by the 'ardeur' and how ALL of the men are always attracted to Anita, I can't really acknowledge anyone's feelings as "real"!. I find it REALLY unrealistic that Anita is so irresistible!.

I'm sorry for sounding like I hate the series!. I actually really love it!. But I don't really have much of a tolerance anymore!.

Well!.!.!. I just remember when Anita's books had a lot of action, and I LOVE it when Anita does something so amazing or cold-blooded, that everyone is shocked by it!. You don't find her doing things like that so much, lately!. I mean, I really, really love it when Anita loses her temper and starts scaring and killing people (How sick does that make me!?Jeez!.)!.

Cutting Anita some slack, I kind of have a bone to pick with all of the guys who expect that she give her everything to each and every one of them!. I mean, a real girl can barely handle ONE guy, but everyone in the story expects waaayyyy much more than that!.

And for the record, I am more of a monogamous person!. If I found somebody I loved, I would NEVER cheat on them!. I know that Anita's world is very!.!.!.different!.!.!.than ours,!.!.!.but, I mean, DAMN!

But, at the end of all my ranting, I must say that I can't regret reading Blood Noir!. I'm just venting a few of my frustrations about the direction that Anita's story has taken!.

Well, I hope that you read the book as soon as you can, so you can form your own opinions!.

P!.S!. (If you don't have the book, and want it, you can download the "!.lit" file from either Limewire or Frostwire!. You just have to search "Blood Noir" in the search box, after setting the search setting to Document!.)

P!.S!.S!. (I have discovered a series close to the Anita Blake series!. It's about a radio DJ werewolf named Kitty!. The series is written by Carrie Vaughn!. I also got these books off of Frostwire!. After you read Blood Noir, you should check out her series!. The first book is called "Kitty & The Midnight Hour!.)

OMG!!! I am so sorry that I ranted for so long!. Jesus!!.!.!.

Well, hope you found it useful!.!.!.maybe!? Whatever!.

Please, if you want, you can reach me at my e-mail:

OOOHHHHHH!!! I almost forgot!!! I just wanted to say that out of all Anita's guys, I only approve of Jean Claude! He was there in the beginning and, really, is the only one Anita should have loved!. He's the only one I really love!. Richard can go f*ck himself!. I hate him,!.!.!.the oversensitive bastard!.!.!.!.f*ck him!!!

~Hamm Banana~Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, typical recent Anita Blake stuff!. She gains a new power, has sex, and saves the day!. Pretty mundane really!. Not as much sex as some books but the plot action is still sorta weak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have not read it Mas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com