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Question: About Scarlett!?
Anyone read the book or seen the movie Scarlett!? The sequal to Gone with the Wind!? Did you like it, and why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, I didn't!. Alexandra Ripley may write historical romance novels, but she isn't anywhere near the writer that Margaret Mitchell was!. She never managed to capture the characters in a way that kept them true to their original counterparts!. Much of "Scarlett" was nothing more than boilerplate plot straight out of the worst of the "bodice ripper" romances!.

Margaret Mitchell created the characters and book that she wanted created!. The story ended when Rhett left and Scarlett realized that she could go home to Tara "because tomorrow is another day!." As much as so many fans wanted the Scarlett-Rhett story to be resolved, the fact of the matter is - it WAS resolved exactly the way the original author intended!.

Just because Margaret Mitchell's estate owns the rights to her book and her characters doesn't mean that authorizing someone to write a sequel is a good idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked the book!. The story was sort of the story line that I was expecting and wanting, so it wasn't bad for me!. It was a little weird getting used to all the new characters Ripley introduced, but I think that she developed them very well!. I liked the story better than Rhett Butler's People, which I think the ending was dumb and a bit of a let down!. I wouldn't see the movie, though!. Anyone other than Vivian Leigh and Clark Gable would just make the story worse!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

This book/movie was retarted!. Gone with the Wind was where Margret Mitchell Made it to end!. Especially considering that in the movie Rhett rapes Scarlett- not cool!. I give it a 2 thumbs down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read the book may years ago!. I liked it and liked quite a few Alexandra Ripley books to be decent!. I guess I like it because it resolved the story of Rhett and Scarlet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no but i think it sounds kind of stupid!. i think gone with the wind was a one book deal in a wayWww@QuestionHome@Com