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Question: About midnight sun!?
im reallly curious to read the part when edward saved bella from that car in!.!.!.!.!.!.
i mean!.!.!.even though most of us know why edward saved her, i just want to see it in his perspective!.!. i just finished reading the preview for the first chapter, and honestly!.!.
i cant wait!!
atleast there's 3 things to look forward to!.!.
the movie
breaking dawn
&midnight sun

& does anyone know if breaking dawn will be stephenie meyer's last book for the twilight saga!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
uhm it going to be the last in bellas perspective
but shes thinking of keeping the story going but
in someone else's perspective
like jasper or someone like that
she wants to develop the minor characters moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

as of may 31st there is a special version of eclipse with the first chapter of breaking dawn in it and they might post the first chapter on her website but if they do it will be just a few days before the book comes out you can find out more at her website stepheniemeyer!.com ive also heard that breaking dawn will have a different narrator but she said on her website that bella WILL get to share her side of the rest of the story! there is a new scene from the movie posted on mtv!. i watched it today and it was AWESOME!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, I don't know if it's going to be officially part of the twilight saga!.

It will be different, though, from Edward's point of view!. He thinks so much faster, and he has so much more time to think, aka during the night!. I would love to find out WHAT on Earth he could possibly have been thinking in some of the scenes!.

I love Bella's narration though!. It cracks me up in the randomest places!Www@QuestionHome@Com

According to a press release on her website, Breaking Dawn is the last book in the main series!. But we also know that Midnight Sun is coming out from edward's perspective, so who knows, she may make more in like jacob's or alice's or something!. I hope so!!!!! I think one from Alice's would be really cool!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

eek! i cant wait for the movie, breaking dawn, and midnight sun, aswell!

and yes breaking dawn is going to be last in the saga!.
if there are going to be other twilight books its just going to be in other people's perspective!. like edwards, in midnight sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do you really think thats gonna be the last book in bellas p!.o!.v!.-- i dont, i onno why, maybe i just dont want it to be!.!.!. but i hope its notWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, Breaking Dawn is the last book from Bella's point of view!. There will be Mindnight Sun and possibly something else from someone else's point of view later on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm pretty sure that it will be the last book with bella as the narrator!. but i dont know how far she's going with edward as the narrator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yup, Breaking Dawn is the last one in the series!.!.!.705 pages long or something like that! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com