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Question: Certain age to be able to publish a book!?
I'm working on writing a fiction book!. I'm only 13, but I was just wondering if there's an age requirement to be able to get your book published!. I'm not done yet, and probably won't be for a year!. My hope is for it to be around 400 pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes published her first book when she was 14!. (;
The only thing about getting published young (a goal of mine as well) is that you need to be mature, since you'll probably be aiming for fellow teens!. The plot, characters and even writing style need to be deep and believable, nothing shallow!.
Meanwhile, finding a publisher when you are done and have editted like crazy, had other people read it and critique you, as well as possibly having hired an editor, will be a challenge!. I think they'd be more biased towards young writers - especially people your age - rather than people in their 20s with a few years of college under their belts!. What I can suggest you do is maybe go to your local community college and see if you can take a course there!. Of course, that'll only be possible if the professor decides to waver the usual 11th grade writing class and allow anyone into their class!. If that's the case, you'll probably take a test and, if you score high enough, you'll have a good shot at getting into the class!.
Have fun writing, make sure you enjoy yourself and that it doesn't become a chore, and hopefully we'll see your book on the shelf someday!. (;Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm pretty certain you don't have to be any specific age!. It is a good idea to get an agent after you are done writing!. They will help you with editing and publishing stuff!. You can get almost anything published as long as you pay for it, but if your writing really cathes someones eye, you wont have to worry about that too much!. They'll do that stuff for you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely not! Christopher Paolini is one author who was published at a young age and he's a bestselling author now!. Then there's also Nancy Yi Fan, who is only 14 and has 2 published books! See source below!.

But it's extremely hard to get published!. I've been trying to get an agent for almost a year now!. But if you're really passionate about it, keep trying and never give up!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm in the same position, but there is no "age requirement"!. Look at the guy who wrote Eragon, he was like, 16!. It just takes a lot of time and effort to send to all those publishers and it honsetly has to be good and not some school project!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think so but i think the yougest age ever was christopher paoulini(i think!.!.!.eragon books) and i'm pretty sure he was 15!.!.!.but if there is, you could get an agent or something and have them publish itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes was only twelve when she published her first book!. Flavia Bujor was only fourteen!. There's no age, but it helps if you have an agent!.

Nope my friend read a big book about dragons i think by a 12-13 year old i think!. I'm not too sure what her age was but she was younger than 14!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can beat you all!. Daisy Ashford was 9 when she wrote and published The Young Visiters (her spelling)!. Really great book - fabulous hero!. This was in about 1911!.Www@QuestionHome@Com