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Question: Revelation - Short Story!?
What exactly is revealed to Mrs!. Turpin at the end of Flannery O'Cconnor's short story the "Revelation"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Before the girl leaves at the end of the story, she whispers a very powerful message to Mrs!.Turpin!. Just loud enough for her to hear she says "Go back to hell where you belong, you old wart hog"!. This comment is very unsettling for Mrs!. Turpin, and she wonders if it may have been a message from God trying to intervene in her life!. With her mind ill at ease, she returns home and while working on her farm questions God outloud!. As she contemplates the "message" he has sent her, she has a vision of the souls of the characters from the waiting room walking up to Heaven, and her soul last of all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com