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Question: Does this sound like a good idea for a book!?
ok so it would be about this highschool guy (main character) who is very popular cause he can make people like him, like he has this power where he can make people like him!. but then he meets this girl in his math class, and he cannot make her like him!. he falls in love with her, but doesnt know how to deal with it, cause he is used to having all the girls like him cause he can make them!.

does this sound original, or too much like all the teen books these days!? does it sound like a good idea for a book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would suggest putting your own twist on it because this does feel familiar!.

Perhaps you could have the protagonist lose control over everyone else once he realizes that he has no effect on this girl!. He struggles to find out who he really is!.

Maybe this girl has the same power and she's made him like her, allowing herself to be immune from his power!.

Throw in a shark for good measure!. Make it unique!. Add a twist!. Break the rules!. There is no box!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it reminds me of twilight, of how jasper can make people feel certain emotions, and it's mixed with the fact that in twilight, bella is uneffected from the powers of vampires that are purely mental things!.
(of course, jasper CAN effect bella with his power!.)

but other than that, i love it and think it's a great idea!. be careful about posting book ideas though!.

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not original but you can still write it, not many teen books follow a male main character, so thats original at least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry!. Not original!. You need a lot more to make it a fresh and original story!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like a good idea, but horribly overused!. Perhaps as a subplot or have something even larger then this over it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry - this is not original - its been done many times beforeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, but I wouldn't read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like reality and I think you should give it a try!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends where you take it!.

Ending one: Somehow she falls in love with him (most likely after a fantasy epiphany where he changes becoming good/reliable/a new man overnight and they end up together!. Stock kitsch, suitable for any generic teen novel/movie made in recent history!. A pap storyline where the ultimate outcome is known before the opening credits and a straight sale of romance to women and girls who like to think they can change guys!.

Ending Two: The messy ending!. The guy comes to realize that popularity and the methods he uses to get it aren't the be all and end all of life and he is altered by his inability to win the girl!. He realizes that he isn't the center of the world and that things don't always come easy and for free!. Then he starts to change, starts to spend a bit more time examining life!.

If you feel the need for a Hollywood ending, maybe have him attempting to get into the same top level technical school (Ivy League has been over done so why not Cal Tech, CWRU, U of Michigan, or MIT!?) rather than taking the football scholarship to some party school!. The promise of a possible future with her or someone like her rather than the cheap instant payoff!.

To put it another way, focus on the changes failure at getting her would make in him, rather than the idea that he'll change overnight for the "love of a good woman" and that she'll then immediately recognize these deep changes and love him!. Make her the "never was" that'll haunt his life rather then merely the last girl he got in a long string of successes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com