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Question: A child Called "It" Poem!.!?
A child called “It”

What a wicked world I live in!.
Not a day goes by without you tormenting me
Making me do things I don’t want to do
There’s was a time when I had faith you would stop the abuse
But it didn’t happen
Instead it was worse
I slept in the garage for weeks and it was an unpleasant site
You didn’t let me use the bathroom I peed in my pants
A belt came out of nowhere
Marked me in my chest
No food, No Water for weeks
But you came up with the best medicine ever
According to you
Ammonia would make me feel better
That sent I’ll never forget
I fell to the grown but you laughed
I knew I had to win this fight
I bravely got up
At times I wanted to die but if I died that means you won
I had to keep on going
At the end I won you died but I forgave you
Mom I will always love you

What do you guys think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
oh my gosh!! that is amazing! I take it you've read the book!.!.!.have you read the others that he has written!?!? you have a ton of talent!! continue writing!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it and you should write more often!.Www@QuestionHome@Com