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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Want to read good fantasy series. Any good ones out there?

Question: Want to read good fantasy series!. Any good ones out there!?
I want to read a series similar to Harry Potter and Pendragon!. Are there any good ones out there that are not corny but relate to the teenagers of today!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi, you might want to try my own recently published book, entitled "The Tales of Tanglewood: The Lon Dubh Whistle"!.

The first in a series, Tales of Tanglewood melds together influences of Celtic and Irish mythology with modern-day folklore, and is a fantasy novel to be enjoyed and cherished by all ages!. Within the pages of this tome you will find the adventures of Colin, a child who is fully aware of the hidden world of myth and wonder hiding within the woods just beyond his home, long kept secret by old magic!. Only the fey magic which runs through his veins has enabled him to find what others cannot; the Tanglewood, the wood within the woods!. Full of odd characters and fey beings, the Tanglewood is a world of magnificent folklore come to life!.

For more details and to download the first three chapters for free, go to http://www!.talesoftanglewood!.com

or you can check out the reviews at Amazon!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

well i would say the Uglie series omg i love them amazing!. its not relli teenagers today cuz its based way in the future but it is baised off of like looks and peer pressure and skool!. they are amazing and i read like three out of the four of them in like a month!. each are 400 pages long!. but u fly through them!. the first is uglies, the next pretties, the next specials, then extras!. I dont read books if i dont like them and i couldnt put these down!. READ IT! mabey they will turn into a movie! then everyone would read the books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK it's not exactly fantasy but is ABSOLUTELY AH-MAZING: the twilight series(twilight, new moon, eclipse go to http://www!.stepheniemeyer!.com/ for more info) no they are not girl books i know plenty of guys who like the seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

the inheritance series!. it starts out with the book Eragon!. I swear to you the book is awesome!. They made movie of it and it was TERRIBLE!!! They left out half of the book and the other half was make up!. Trust me this book is good and there are already two and a third one coming out this summer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I had to read a series throughout the school year for my English 10 class!. I chose the Chronicle of Narnia series, they were good books, well written!. I would suggest them!. But they do not relate to everyday teens!. Hope you find what you're looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Charlie Bone (for pre-teens)
Twilight Series ( Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse)
Bartimeus Trilogy
The Old Kingdom Series
Lord of The Rings (A classic!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've heard Twilight was good, but haven't read it myself!. If you like kinda confusing fairy tales, Wicked, Son of a WITCH, and Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister are good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


In that order, its a book series by Scott Westerfeld and its amazing!.


New Moon
by Stephenie Meyers, another AMAZING book series!.

The Host by Stephenie Meyer, its good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

gregor the overlander
may bird and the everafter
princess academy
code orange
the old willis place
Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie
The Ravenmaster's Secret: Escape From The Tower Of London

i fell in love with theses books im 14
there really good
trust mehWww@QuestionHome@Com

blue is for nightmares!.!.!.white is for magic!.!.!.silver is for secrets!.!.!.red is for remembrance
wild magic series (can't remember the rest of the book titles)
magic or madness!.!.!.magic lessons!.!.!.!.magic's child!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


vampire diaries series (the last two will make you cry)

blue is for nightmares (the 3rd book will make you cry)

vampire kisses series (f you get past the first 5 chapters you'll like it lol)Www@QuestionHome@Com


Eragon, Twilight, Artemis Fowl, Lord of the Rings!.!.!.
and anything by Tamora Pierce!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, for fantasy, try The Sword of Shannara by Terry BrooksWww@QuestionHome@Com

eragon, eldest, and whatever the 3rd one is!. its good stuff
the man is a genius!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight-- i highly recomend it!
The Tree of Avalon series
The GiverWww@QuestionHome@Com

artemis fowl
gregor the overlander
the keys to the kingdomWww@QuestionHome@Com


Tamora Pierce books are prettey good!. Try some of the Tortall legends like 'Beka Cooper' or The Circle of Magic series!.
Hope you find what you're looking for!Www@QuestionHome@Com

THE TWILIGHT SERIES!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight saga by Stephanie Meyers is awesome!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you like dark then

Curque du freak the best book series i have ever read 1 out of 10 its a 10000000Www@QuestionHome@Com


THE GIVERWww@QuestionHome@Com

the twilight saga
the host
vampire diaries
blue is for nightmaresWww@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!. the Twilight series!? I'm not sure want u like, but it is a great fiction book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pern, Anne McCaffreyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lord of the Rings is always good!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

try the Simarilion or the Lord of The Rings, i love those booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Chronicles of Narnia by C!.S!. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia present the adventures of children who play central roles in the unfolding history of the fictional realm of Narnia, a place where animals talk, magic is common, and good battles evil!. Each of the books (with the exception of The Horse and His Boy) features as its protagonists children from our world who are magically transported to Narnia, where they are called upon to help the lion Aslan handle a crisis in the world of Narnia !.

Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini
Fifteen year-old Eragon discovers his destiny as a Dragon Rider!. With only an ancient sword and the advice of an old storyteller for guidance, Eragon and his dragon must navigate the dangerous terrain and dark enemies of an Empire ruled by a king whose evil knows no bounds!.

Uglies Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld
UGLIES trilogy follows the high-tech adventures of Tally Youngblood!. As an ugly, then a pretty, and finally a special, Tally works to take down a society created to function with perfect-looking people who never have a chance to think for themselves!.

His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
Lyra and Will, children from different worlds, share two common bonds, the loss of parents and the possession of objects which give them unique access to knowledge!. One is an object which communicates truth about any situation to any person wise enough to be able to read it and the other an instrument which can cut open windows to other worlds!.

Forgotten Realms books by R!. A!. Salvatore
There is no easy way to summarize these books, the scope is just too large!. Best I can do is say they are full of adventure, elves, magic, and alternate worlds!. Once you start reading these you will find yourself hooked!.

Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne Mcaffery
Anne Mcaffery is one of those authors whose books just leave you feeling good once you read the last page!. While a combination of Sci-fi and Fantasy (the argument continues about which one it is) they sit on my fantasy shelf!. Anyone who has ever dreamed of riding a dragon should read these!.

Xanth Series by Piers Anthony
Fun series full of fantastic creatures, a unique world and a magic system based on puns!. Yes I said puns! These are a light read and funny as heck (by the rules of the Adult Conspiracy if I say the other word really bad things will happen!.)

Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey
This is a large collection and every book in it is excellent!. The concept of being *chosen* by a companion, which is essentially a telepathic horse with amazing powers, is delightful!. Once chosen you become one of the elite heralds, protectors of the realm!. Start with Arrows of the Queen!.

The Belgariad (5), The Malloreon(5), The Elenium (3), The Tamuli(3) by David and Leigh Eddings
I can't say enough good about these books!. They are full of rich content, fantastic worldbuilding and plenty of sorcery!. One of my biggest draws is the humor, the interaction between characters can be side splitting at times!. They are rift with dry wit, affectionate banter and personal quirks!. My favorite books hands down!.

Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
I've always loved her writing, even her Sci-fi books and I'm not a huge Sci-fi fan!. In this book she gives a whole new light on the Celtic era where Merlin reigned supreme!. In a topic that has been done to death, somehow she manages to make it all fresh and new, and a great read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com