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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How does Romeo (Romeo & Juliet) fit the definition of a tragic hero?

Question: How does Romeo (Romeo & Juliet) fit the definition of a tragic hero!?
How does Romeo fit the definition of a tragic hero and what are three examples for 3 qualities of a tragic heroWww@QuestionHome@Com

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baha ok so

1!. Nobility hes born into the montague family
2!. Hamartia which is when a characteristic like romeo's impatience to get married caused their downfall
3!.A reversal of fortune which is that everything was against them!. The stars defied them and all that!.
4!.The discovery or recognition that the reversal was brought about by the hero's own actions!. which is when he jumped to the conclusion that juliet was dead and killed himself
5!. The audience must feel pity and fear (fear that it could have been them) (catharsis) for the character!. I dont know about you but i was like no no dont drink shes not dead! i felt for them the whole time!. they just wanted to be togetherWww@QuestionHome@Com

A tragic hero is one who sacrifices his personal gain for the greater good!. An example of a tragic hero in classical text would be Oddyseus from The Oddysey!. Romeo defied his friends, family, and ruler in order to be with Juliet!. This is also what resulted in his untimely death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Qualities of a tragic hero!.
1) He/she dies at the end of the story!.
2) He/she dies because of a weakness!. In Romeo's case, it was love!.
I can't think of anything else!. The main thing that qualifies a tragic hero is that he/she die!. If the hero dies, then the story is a tragedy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A tragic hero is a character who dies because of the quality the audience loves him for!. In Romeo's case it was his love and rashness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com