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Question: Twilighters!!?!!?!!?
I have seen the movie trailer (Several *cough* times) and love it!. Saying I'm excited would be putting it mildly!. I have read that book more tiems than anyone should!. Haha!. Does anyone know when the longer trailer will be coming out, and if so what movie it will be before!. I am so excited!. also just in case no one knows and I'm not the only one in the dark, tell me something about Twilight I probably don't know!. And whether you are on team Edward or Jacob, and why!.
Thanks Twilighters!
BTW I'm on TEAM EDWARD, but that won't affect who I pick for best answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"You can be Mrs!. Black,
I'll be Mrs!. Cullen!.
You can die,
I can live forever!."


Sorry, Jacob!."


TEAM EDWARD ALL THE WAY ! :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure, but doesn't the official trailer come with the DVD!? I have considered what's good for Bella and what Bella wants and I'll probably support team Jacob because Jacob is better for her!. She wont have to turn into a monster to be with him!. A part of her is crying out for him and that part is getting bigger!. She was happy when only Jacob was around and Edward wasn't!. They're both dangerous, so why not choose the one that could warm her instead of the one that could freeze her to death!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can go on youtube and type in twilight the movie, you can get a bunch of stuff, including bella kissing edward! (real actors) Cool huh!? Well, obviously i am on team jacob, but it will not matter if Bella chooses him or not because if she does he will be happy, and if she doesn't, i can have him! LOL kidding, but i am 100% JACOB!Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry i don't no much more about the movie, apart from the fact that it comes out on december 12th (yay!!!) ive watched the trailer lots heaps to im so excited!.

Team edward definitly, i really don't even understand how there is any doubt in peoples minds, i mean edward is PERFECT

ha ha i found this picture that says
"team edward cause jacob doen't sparkle"
definitely agree!
cant wait fro breaking dawn!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Umm I don't know when a longer trailer is coming out, but if you go to www!.stepheniemeyer!.com and click on the "movie" tab, there will be a link on the page that will take you to some mtv website or something where a WHOLE SCENE FROM THE MOVIE is posted and you can watch it!.!.

Oh, btw, Team Edward lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

go to youtube and look up twilight!. u can get a lot of stuff there!. I am on TEAM EDWARD!Www@QuestionHome@Com