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Question: Help, with my book!.!?
i wrote a book and i was wondering how i could get it published!?
i'm only 15 so i really don't know a lot about the business!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hey, I'm 15 and I'm a writer, too!
Well, because I'm in this area as well, I've done a lot of research!. After you completely finish the book, edit as well as you can, get your family and friends to edit it, anybody willing!. You need to make it look as presentable as you can!.

Then, you'll want a publishing agent!. Technically, you don't NEED one, but few publishers will talk to you without one, and self-publishing is apparently very hard!.
Writersmarket!.com is recommended a lot!. I plan to use that when I'm finished!. Most agents will want to see a synopsis, and some may want to see the first chapter!. It depends on the agent, and they'll ask for what they want!.

Do not pay anyone to read or look over your story, ever! I'm pretty sure agents get a percentage when you get published, but they don't get paid just for considering you!. So don't be fooled!.
Many authors give further advice on their websites, if you want to go searching!.

Most important thing to remember: don't give up!. You may get rejected twenty times before somebody likes your story!.

So, once you have an agent it's their job to find a publisher who likes your story!.

Good luck! I hope to go far in this field someday- I've got more than one story on my hands right now :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi!. To tell the truth, it is hard to get published but its not impossible!. It takes alot of work and writing!.
And it may take a while!.
The easiest route is to self-publish!. (also called vanity publishing) THis is where you pay to get your book published and the company will print most everything!. Basically they are nothing but printing companies!. I'd only suggest this if you want to only sell to family and friends because they won't sell to anyone else!. Trust me!. I did that when I was first starting out writing and I blew over $500!.00 with Iuniverse!. It was on sale for 3 years w/amazon!.com, barnes and nobles!.com and a few other epublishers, but it didn't sell because you have to advertize and it is very very expensive to put adds in papers, magazines and such!.

The best route is to perfect your writing by learning all you can!. look up articles and books on writing!. Consider joining a critique group where other writers critique your work and you in turn critique theirs!. You'll learn so much that way!. I joined one and have picked up so much that I would have never learned on my own!.
also learn how to write a query and synopsis because usually for traditional publishers, you send in a query first!. If it interests them, they will request a full or partial of your manuscript!.
Good luck and I hope I helped!.
Keep writing and never give up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Firstly, I'll say that it's damn impressive that you've written a whole book at your age!. But getting published is so so so difficult, I'm sorry to say!. It took my sister two years to get published!. That's twice as long as it took her to write her book!. But what she did was write a detailed synopsis of her book, about a page long, and send it to prospective publishers who would write back either declining the idea or asking to see her manuscript (very few asked to see it)!.
You can send your manuscript directly to publishers without sending a synopsis first if you like, but keep in mind it's a good idea to enclose a stamped and addressed envelope for the publisher to send it back in!. Oh, you could just send the first chapter, too!.
Some publishers won't talk to you if you don't have an agent, so try to find one to help you out!. Although it can be just as hard to find an agent as a publisher!.

There's self-publishing which I don't know quite enough about to feel comfortable telling you, but I know that if you don't mind not making much money from your book and you're ok with only a few copies to get published for you to distribute personally and all you want is just to see your work in print, not to be famous or anything, then self-publishing might be a good idea!.
If you want your book to be distributed nationally and you want to make some money from it, though, I'd stick with trying to get it commercially published!. But the only way you're ever going to do that is if your book is actually any good, and I couldn't comment on that because I haven't read it!.

Remember, the only real way to get published is to NEVER GIVE UP!.
Good luck! Seriously, I really hope you become successful one day!. If you've written a whole book at the age of 15 you must be very passionate about writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well first of all,you need to make sure if it has the potential!.
Is it all spelled correctly!?Are there any grammar mistakes!?
Because if there are,you won't have a chance!.
You also need to find out what a publishers criteria is and make sure you match it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com