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Question: Would you ever get rid of a book!?
We are drowning in books!. I only live in a semi and Ive already got a bookcase in every room including the bedrooms!. The problem is my Husband WILLNOT get rid of one for any new ones that come in!.( I mean charity shop btw ) Can any other fellow book lovers suggest any solutions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I also love books!.

I have tossed a few, over the years, that were too dilapidated to be of use!.

I only get a few of my books in hardcover!. Those are the ones that I will be using over again, such as reference books!. My wife knows that if it's hardcover, she can't get rid of it or loan it out!.

My hundreds of paperbacks are shared with my friends!. I also trade them at the used book stores!. I have donated some to the senior citizens apts!. and convalescent homes!.

I would suggest this solution!. Use one bookcase for reference books and books that you know you will be using again or rereading!.

Then, tell husband he can have another bookcase to store the books that he feels he absolutely can't part with!. Everything else in the other cases is up for grabs and will be continually recycled!.!. Every book you hoard is a book someone else didn't get to read!.

My wife got me a box of the type of books I like (36), from a yard sale on Saturday!. As soon as I finish this answer, I have to sort books to make room!. It's an ongoing process!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Keeping reference material and beloved novels that you read over and over is one thing, but keeping grocery store paperbacks that you don't remember anything about isn't necessary!. You may be able to convince your husband that he will not need to reread some of the books and they can therefore be purged!.

If your husband is in academia, this may not work

If your husband has the "hording" illness, this most definitely will not work and he needs therapy and possibly medication!.

If he will not get rid of them, perhaps he will allow you to box them and put them in storage!. When he forgets about them, you can toss them!.

(Be sure the books you get rid of have no pictures/money/mementos in the pages!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi! :0) If he is unwilling to get rid of them, try and see if you guys can agree to pack them up and place them in an attic, or storage bins in an extra room instead of all over the place!. You can get one of those roll under the bed storage bins!. That may work if he doesnt mind them being out of sight, but some people just like to have books on showcase!. It is hard to say, but since he does not want to get rid of them try and come up with a compromise and remind him that is what marriage is all about and that it bothers you that these books are all over the house!. There is no one answer, the best thing I can advise is to talk it out and stress your concern with the pile up and see if you could come up with some sort of middle ground!. GOOD LUCK!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have a space issue go through your books with your husband!. Pick your favorite books that you know you will read again and keep them!. Be brutal! Don't keep a 300-page book for one paragraph of reference that may be out of date or that you can find on the Internet or at the public library!. Take all of the books that didn't make the cut and donate them to the public library!. This way, more people can share in your contribution, and if you find out there was something in one of those books you really do need again, you can check it out and bring it home for a quick visit! (In most places you may also use the value of the donation as a tax deduction!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My dad buys book's at the cheapest her can, then he chucks them away, he says the cheaper you get them the more you can afford to chuck them away unless of course you can't afford to chuck them away because their special, my dad hoards his fair share of books, but only about two bookcases full!. Chuck them, unless their special
If you want to get rid of them do it in secret :) he'll soon realize when one bookcase is empty xWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have the same problem!. I LOVE books, and I keep seeing some new ones that I just can't resist buying them! As a result, I have no space!. I suppose there must be some books that your husband or you just don't really like or find quite boring or anything like that!.!.!. Maybe if you can persuade him to get rid of those that he doesn't like!.!.!. Or if he doesn't want to give them to a charity shop, maybe you have some friends or relatives that would want to take them!? Or maybe libraries or schools!? This way it would make more space for you and do good for someone else!
Really hope I helped!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I still live with my parents in a room that's probably about 12 feet by 12 feet, in which is stored my entire library, which is probably verging on 2,000 books right now!. Many are in boxes stacked up half-way to the ceiling!.

I really don't have a problem with getting rid of books or giving them away, but the ONLY ones I would ever do this to are the ones that I'm 100% sure I'll never be interested in again, or never need to use or reference again!. And this is true only for a vanishingly small percentage of my collection!.


I avidly collect books, but if there is simply no room, and he is ABSOLUTELY unwilling to give them up, put them into storage!. If that is not an option, try to meet him halfway and donate books for a good cause! We had a book-a-thon at work, where people donated books, and then people could buy them and the money would go to charity!. You can even find a bookstore to buy them back for a few dollars, and you can put that money aside for new books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd never give away a book, unless it's a book for a five-year-old (I recently gave all those away to some nieces and nephews), or for an 8 year-old (gave those to a nearby school)!. Don't throw 'em away, just give 'em away!. If your husband does not read a book anymore, and if it's not appropriate for his age, give it away to someone who will appreciate it more!. Of course, if he still likes to read it from time to time, keep it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If all you have is one bookcase in every room, you are NOT 'drowning in books' !.!.!. I live in a small one bedroom apartment and have 9 bookcases, each 6' tall and 27" wide, and they are 'mostly full' of books !.!.!. I did go through and pull out a few (12 boxes, 16!.5"x12!.5"x12!.5") but we are filling it up fast again!. Tell your husband he has a choice !.!.!. HE can choose which books have to go, or you will !.!.!. and give him one weekend to do the 'thinning' and if he doesn't, then you do it !.!.!. but after the books are gone, you should give your husband a nice BIG 'gift card' so he can go buy some new books !.!.!. this may be the ONLY way to do it!.
There is also a new 'electronic book' called the Sony e-book, and perhaps you could buy one of those for your husband !.!.!. my husband got me one and I love it !.!.!. but I don't always read it, because we still like to buy REAL BOOKS !.!.!. especially paper-backs (which we'll get rid of eventually) but also buy more hardbacks of the books we both REALLY want to keep!. The Sony e-book is EXPENSIVE (over $400 by the time you get it 'fixed up' right) but it will pay for itself very quickly if you can show your husband that it's easier to carry around than a heavy book !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am just the same, breaks my heart to get rid of a book and if I loan one to anyone and they don't return it it, well they never get another!. I only ever read a book once, so even I can't understand my reluctance!.
I had to get rid of several recently because my husband was worried that the ceiling would collapse, there was so much weight in the spare bedroom with all my books!.
I packed them up in one of those charity bags you get through the letterbox!.
It was like giving away my soul!!
Having said that, I have many books i will never part with!. Favourites and those I have received as gifts!.
And I just can't pass the book shop, just to go in and see what's new, and I get books from the library too!.
A regular bookworm, and so are all my kids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try talking him into donating them to your local library!.

It can't possibly hurt to do that, let him know it's giving to the overall community and fellow book lovers, or maybe you two can even try starting your own book store!.

Just a few suggestions, i know how hard it can be sometimes to give up books that you already read, and enjoyed!. Some people like to hold on to books they already read as a collection!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love to read!! But I make it a rule to pass on the books that I have read to people I know that will enjoy them!. I have two bookcases that are filled with books that both my husband and I cannot part with!. If your husband is intrested in joining a book swap, you can check out bookmooch!.com and paperbackswap!.com!. That way it will give him a chance to replace some of his favorites and add some new ones to his collection!.

I know what its like to have no room because you are so jammed with books!. Books are expensive, so it is hard to part with, but after I joined the online bookswaps, I began to weed through the books that I knew I wouldn't read again in exchange for books that I would love to read but didn't want to shell out the money for!.

Good Luck! Maybe we will be swapping books with each other! ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pick a room, and set a limit of how many books he can pick from that he wants from that room!. Then set a limit of how many books you donate to the libaray, good will, etc!.!.!.!.!. For example you say he can only pick 5, then you can only donate 5!. Then you both win!. But if he complains, then just take the books that you've seen him read the most of, and donate them!. If he gets mad, tell him that he blew it himself!. He had the chance of picking himself!. If he would of just picked 5, or so books, he would have been happier!.

Hope this helps ^_^!Www@QuestionHome@Com

get rid of the ones that you no you will never likely want to read again my mum is a book acholic and theirs books in boxs in cupboards and books on book shelfs you name it every room has books hidden somewhere i made her clear out the ones she wont read again and limited her to the book shelf, ok i didnt get just the book shelf but she got to the book shelf and a box so thats a start lol

try getting rid of the not likely to read againWww@QuestionHome@Com

See if you can talk him into giving books to people who might want to read them!. That's really the best use of books!. I think people hesitate to get rid of books because they believe in their value!. Discuss with him why he keeps all his books!.

(1) You can donate books to libraries, schools, or other organizations!.

(2) Check out BookCrossing!.com!. Their idea is to leave a book somewhere that someone would find it, decide to read it, and then leave it for someone else to find!. It's like setting the book free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I only had the room to keep them all!

As a rule, I only keep the books that are so good I know I'm going to want to read them again!.

If I have a friend that would like them I give them to them, hardbacks and sets I sell on ebay (I used to sell more but the postage increases have made it impossible to break even), Libraries and schools will normally accept some if they are in good condition too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just talk to him about it and tell him that there going to a good place:) goodwill or some other place like that is really good!. or sell them at a yard sale!. EARN THAT MONEY BACK!! then with the money you earned from the old books!.!.!. go out and get new ones! I LOVE TO READ, and thats what i do!. you feel great after you buy a new book or 2!

hope that helps
good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

sgest that he takes the ones that he has not read in years and chooses the ones he thinks he won't read any more or has never read but had for ages because he is not likely to read them if he has had them years already and not read them!. Or get rid of the books he read and did not likeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I buy many books for my niece and nephew, but the books I buy for myself are permanent!. That is the reason I no longer loan books to ANYONE!. The last time I loaned my aunt books I made her write down all of the titles and authors and she still did NOT return all of them!. Some people just don't get it and don't respect the feelings of those of us who want to keep our books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know, so me answering probably wont help!. But I am a book lover and extremely stubborn about getting rid of books!. Try to find a good cause to give them to and tell him them that; my dad, sister, and I have always loved books and never been able to give them up!. good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm like that about my books too!. I would have to go through the books and find the ones that I didn't like or the books that I haven't read and don't look interesting and those would be the ones that I would have to get rid of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im the same way!.!.!. you feel accomplished after reading a book and you dont want to get rid of any!.!.!. but what i would suggest is that you!.!.!. if you have a lot!.!.!. alot, than buy a nice tall shelf that fits a certain room or filter out the books he doesnt care for, baby steps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if you donate them to a library he could always check them out if he would like to read them again!. I guess it also depends on what edition the books are and what kind of books they are and the age of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Give me some of your best ones!!
Really though, get him to keep his favs and lend the rest to a library, disadvantaged schools or any schools, youth clubs ect!.!.!. you know, someone who'd like them but not be able to afford them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would maybe donate some of the less favorited ones to the poor and needy!. Your husband may go for that!. This way, they would go to a good cause!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am the same way!. can not get rid of books that I like!.
Just recently moved house!.!. Had to get rid of hundreds of my old friends!. some of them over 30 years old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe he can buy bins and store them in covered bins and put them in an attic, or in a basement!. That way he can access them if needed, and they are out of the way!. You both win!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd keep the good ones!. The ones you actually like to read!. If you nore your husband like a certain book, get rid of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If he doesn't want to get rid of them, you can put them in storage, but obviously that will cost you some money every month!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would, if it was a man-eating book with orange and black stripes, a cat-like shape but much larger, commonly known as a tiger and completely not a book but in every other respect a book!.

also i would if it had aids!. For the greater good!.

Ooh or if you have one of those finger skateboards or a real skateboard or something you could get loads and make a massive rampy thing and do stunts and itll be sick-radical-phat-awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com