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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am trying to think of the title of this book series set in a Nashville high sc

Question: I am trying to think of the title of this book series set in a Nashville high school!!?
This series came out in the early-mid 90's, there were four main characters, teenage girls!. One girl's name was Jane and she had just moved to Nashville from New York City!. She met three friends at school and I think they started a band together!. One girl's mom (maybe Jane, maybe not) hated how she didn't want to live up to the Southern belle role!. What was the name of this series!!! Anybody!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Wild Hearts" series by Cherie Bennett
"Like Modern Love (see above), this first installment of the planned Wild Hearts series centers on a topic near and dear to the MTV generation!. Here it is rock 'n' roll that adds the all-important hip edge to the narrative!. Convinced that she will never like anything about her new life in Nashville, former New Yorker Jane sets about alienating all the conformist "pastel people" at her new high school!. However, Jane's preconceptions about country music and Tennessee are challenged when she is befriended by ebullient Savannah and invited to play drums in the pit band for the school play!. When a date with Wyatt, a selfish but wildly attractive fellow musician, turns into a reputation-scarring disaster, Jane turns to the girls in the band for support and understanding!. After this, it only takes a stellar opening night, a bit of soul-baring and a fairly contrived confrontation with Wyatt's furious, hell-raising girlfriend for Jane and her new pals to realize that they are destined to form their own all-girl band, Wild Hearts, thus setting the stage for many sequels to come!. Nashville provides a distinctive setting, while Jane's wisecracking, first-person narrative ("It is a simple fact of life: most parents are excruciating")"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try typing in the keywords on Amazon!.com!. Alternatively, you could try whatsthatbook!.com

Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com