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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Need motivation to get back to my writing. Any suggestions? Serious suggestions

Question: Need motivation to get back to my writing!. Any suggestions!? Serious suggestions only, please!.!?
I'm a staff writer and I have several ways to go with choosing which article to write!. Can't seem to get motivated and moving with any of it!. The editor has begun to work from home and I don't talk to him more than once every month!. This puts me at a disadvantage as there isn't even anyone to brainstorm with!.

Can anyone offer something that helps them get back on track!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I enjoy creative writing, which I understand is a far reach from articles, but I have stumbled on a few blocks myself - I enjoy changing up my routine in a relaxing and creative way - for instance, it is not uncommon for me to go to the park - the one we have around where I live has animals, rolling hills, lakes, streams, beautiful flowers, japanese gardens and centuries old stone buildings; it is absoultely one of my favorite places to go since there are so many different images and emotions to draw from!. I don't like listening to music or even bringing someone along, unless it's my dog of course, but even then, I think going alone would be better!. Then just relax, let your mind wander, take in the smells and sights, imagine different scenarious and BAM - you've got a new ending to a chapter! I would highly suggest leaving the comfort of your home or other "every-day" place - if your mind is stuck than I don't think repeating the same processes would help diminish your writer's block!.
You could also inspire yourself - write a letter to a friend you haven't spoken with in ages; create a new meal that looks delicious, but ONLY if it involves ingredients you've never tried before, and then you have material right there!. I mean there are so many different things you could do to help ease your mind's boredom, and I think one of the first things would be to get off the computer :) Good luck, i know it's hard, but once it comes to you, you're golden!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I try free writing for a set time or a set number of pages!. Other times I make a random list of words!. It seems to clear out the cobwebs and let me get back to the rest!.

Both Natalie Goldberg and Julia Cameron recommend the writing for set number of pages/time!.

The page and/or time exercises come from Natalie Goldberg's book Writing Down the Bones and Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like you benefit a lot from verbalizing your story ideas and you're missing that interaction from your editor, right!?

Is your editor okay with a weekly 30 minute phone call!? Or is there another writer you can do lunch with once a week to swap brainstorming ideas!? Writers group might be a good place to find someone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you really have a choice in what articles to choose, blindly pick one out of a hat and start writing about that no matter what!. As you write about it (give yourself about an hour) take into consideration what you REALLY want to be writing about during that time!. There is nothing like distractions to help the subconscious lead you in the right direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Writer's block is definitely a toughie!. Usually, when I need to get back on track, I try to remind myself of some of the best parts of my subject (mind you, I use this technique mostly for fanfiction, but it still applies)!. When I remind myself why I was interested in the first place, I often find I am not only able to write, but eager!. So, in a less roundabout phrasing, I suggest finding something about the topic that gets you truly interested!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not quite the same, however when I'm having a mental block about what to write or how to write it, I listen to lots of music, some with meaningful lyrics and some not, all different types so I can feel different moods and extract meanings from the lyrics which I can then inject into my writing!.
Sorry I know it's not exactly what you were asking for, but I'm serious!!Www@QuestionHome@Com