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Question: A clockwork orange, essay!?
Im writing an essay on the book 'a clockwork orange' and was wondering what would be a suitable topic question to explore in the essay!. also what would be the best things to write about!.
And what ideas are brought up in the novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would definitely talk about what "Right" vs!. "Wrong" is!. I mean, there is a big issue in the book about whether someone is moral if they don't have the ability to make a choice!. If someone does something the moral way because they have to, is it moral anymore!? Furthermore, is what was done to the main character moral!? Is it ok to take away the freedom of a criminal!? Can someone change on their own!? Can they be rehabilitated!? Obviously, Americans don't seem to think so, as they took that last chapter right outta the book and the movie didn't have it at all!.

Oh, and just a quick edit: You could probably do an indepth look a examples of revenge and karma in the novel as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Topic: Ultra-violence

Details: Gangs, Sex, Drugs, Rape, Murder

Conclusion: Good vs!. Evil, Duality of man

Just a rough outline, if you have read the book and don't understand the philosophy!. I encourage you to read it again maybe you will find a better understanding in it's pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question might be!.
Should we be allowed to choose, even if we make the wrong choice!?

The basis of the book is in the title!. Did you read the book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The movie was about how the future would be like!.
-no police
-kids can do anything ex!. run around town making trouble

its really a good book

uh the movie not as good but entertaining i would to add!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'tis a bit!.!.!.graphic for school, is their a suitable topic to discuss!?


Thats a strange book!. Maybe about the thoughts of young killers!?Www@QuestionHome@Com