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Question: Scott Westerfield!?
Does anyone know if Scott Westerfield is working on a new book, series, etc!?

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I hear he's half way through with the first book in a new trilogy, Leviathan!. There was an interview on teensread!.com where he gave a tidbit of information concerning the new series!.

"It's a new trilogy called Leviathan, which is set in an alternate 1914, at the beginning of the Great War (what we call World War I)!. It features living airships, walking mechanical war machines, and loads of romance!. Plus, it's going to be heavily illustrated by a brilliant artist I've found, almost halfway to graphic novel!."

It should be interesting, reading a 'half graphic' novel!. I'm hoping Westerfeld will pull it off, because I really don't enjoy reading graphic novels!. In the meantime, have you read the Midnighters series yet!? Very intriguing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure!.

The only books of his that I know of are:
