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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is there a Dixie Pig in New York?

Question: Is there a Dixie Pig in New York!?
I just finished Stephen King's Dark Tower series about 2 weeks ago!. I loved that series, for any of those who've read it!.

What I was wondering is there really a Dixie Pig in New York City!? I'll be visiting next March and I kinda wanted to stop by!. I saw on the back of Book 6, there was a canopy sign that said Dixie Pig and thought maybe it was a real place!.

I did some google searches and nothing by the name of Dixie Pig came up!.

Is this place completely fictional or am I not looking correctly!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm fairly sure the place is fictional!.
I've seen things about Dixie Pigs in somewhere like Texas, but not New York!. It would be great if there was one, though! ;PWww@QuestionHome@Com
