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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Have any thoughts/opinions on this story idea of mine?

Question: Have any thoughts/opinions on this story idea of mine!?
Basically this is a world filled with turmoil!. Christian government has recently been instituted as ruling arm!. The city is full of twisted politicians, poverty, crime, etc!. Rebels run rampant taking children from families turning them against the govt!. Basically a mass chaos kind of feel!. Name of the city!? Salvation City!. Basically, rebels bad, government worse!.

IN THE PAST: Rouge Christian scientists (heretics in the eyes of the govt!.) devise a way to separate the soul into two halves!. From this method they find a way to create Soul Seekers: beings that seek out the evil half of the soul and suck it out leaving (theoretically) only the good!. But in reality the people who have the evil part of their souls sucked out become mindless and ignorant!. The point being, both parts of the soul, light and dark, are needed to live!.

So we have government running rampant throwing people into jail left and right!. Rebels taking children and teaching them hate!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Gosh, that was great!. ??? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seems like it will be a great story line! Please post the beginning when you write it it will probally be great!. i think that you just need more creative names fro the roughes and the rebels, they just seem too generic!. Love the Parody on our lives with the whole government thing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds good although it sounds like the Left Behind Series with different names, but overall goodWww@QuestionHome@Com