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Question: How can i get a good publisher for my Book !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You didn't mention what kind of book it is!.
It is necessary to match your book's genre to the publisher!. There are "Market Books" like Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market or The Novel and Short Story Writer's Market, plus a number of others that may be helpful!. I would most definitely suggest Writer's Market, and its on-line counterpart at www!.WritersMarket!.com!. Many large publishers require that you have an agent!.
I am making an assumption that your book is actually ready for publication!.
Has it had a good edit by a professional editor!?
You may wish to consider the Critique Circle to have your book critiqued!. This is a free membership, and the people are all writers and publisher!.
You can then get someone like Sandra Haven at Bristol International to give you book a once over!.
Have written your synopsis and query letter!?
If not, you are definitely not ready to submit your manuscript!.
I hope this is helpful!.

For starters, have a good manuscript!. This usually means you've written it, then waited for 6 months to a year and then looked at it again to see if you still feel as passionate about it!.

Next, go to the library!. Find books similar to yours!. Write down the names of the publishers, these are the best people to contact since we usually publish books similar to others in our backlist!.

Be prepared for many rejection letters, this is natural, we have all received them!. Harry Potter was rejected many times, it happens!.

DO NOT go to any publisher who asks you to pay for your own publishing!. This is either a vanity press or a scam and either way not worth it!. You should get paid for your book not the other way around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your best bet would be the Writer's Market 2008 book which lists publishers by genre, plus you get the added benefit of articles on how to get a book formatted and published!.
You should also have a synopsis of your book, proper formatting of the manuscript, and have it edited for mistakes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never gotten anything published before, but people tell me that it would help if you get an agent that will scope out good publishers for you!. In order to find an agent, a couple of the authors I know just got one of those books filled with agent's names and called a few, seeing if they would be willing to become their agent!. Trust me, after you get an agent, everything should be easier from there!. I hope this helps!. :)