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Question: Michael Crichton's Novel "Prey"!?
I finished reading the book now and was wondering what you interpreted a "swarm" of nanobots to look like, every time i read a book a like to play it in my head like a movie, putting a face to everything, but i in visioned a swarm kinda like one of those Tasmanian devil like tornadoes lol, but i was just wondering your thoughtsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Have you ever watched the TV series "Lost"!? I originally thought the 'smoke monster' was a swarm of nanobots (as did many others), but the notion was nixed by the shows creators and the origin of the monster is still unknown!. In any case, that's how I pictured the nanobots in 'Prey' - one intelligent cloud, able to split or form shapes and dense enough to lift and hurt people!. It's odd I read the book before ever seeing the show!.

Here's a link to the 'monster' from Lost: http://www!.lostpedia!.com/wiki/The_Monste!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just sort of pictured it as a giant cloud, or one of those cartoon swarms of bugs that chase the characters awayWww@QuestionHome@Com